Did Godzilla fight these movie monsters?
Go, Go, Godzilla!

The Everett Collection
Evacuate Tokyo! Citizens in Sector 4, safely make your way to Sector 7! Avoid bridges at ALL COSTS!
It's a kaiju emergency! Giant monsters have taken over the city.
We want to see if you know Godzilla's biggest battles. We'll name a movie monster, and you tell us whether Godzilla ever fought them. Good luck, and be sure to share your score in the comments section below.


Did Godzilla fight these movie monsters?
Your Result...
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2/10 LOL one of my worst scores ever. Also, am I not the only one that knows that their little caption on this quiz is a reference to Inspector Gadjet? "Go Go Gadjet Anti-Kaiju Spray!"
10/10 know my Godzilla. Still waiting for Godzilla vs. Rocky.
Yongary was a South Korean knockoff of Godzilla. He looked like a small version of Godzilla with a horn on his nose. He sounded like an aggravated donkey
Yongary was a South Korean knockoff of Godzilla. He looked like a small version of Godzilla with a horn on his nose. He sounded like an aggravated donkey
7 out of 10. When are we going to have Gorgo, a movie with no women in major or even minor roles, on Svengoolie?
8/10 Where's Ghidorah?
4/10 all guesses...had no idea. Poof!...I was exploded by Godzilla.🦖🙄😄