Do you remember where everyone went at the end of M*A*S*H?
Some went home — but where was home?

Few finales require as much tissue. From Potter saying goodbye to his horse, Sophie, to "I left you a note," the last M*A*S*H episode came packed with tear-jerking moments. Even those viewers casually acquainted with the characters have a hard time stopping the waterworks. It's just touching television at its finest.
One of these best scenes in "Goodbye, Farewell and Amen" plucks at your heartstrings while tickling your funny bone. The whole gang in the 4077 gathers for one last toast together. One at a time, the nurses, doctors and soldiers stand and tell everyone what they will do now that the war is over.
So — do you remember where everyone goes? See how well you know these beloved M*A*S*H characters!

Potter can't wait to eat corn and be a "semi-retired country doctor" when he rejoins his wife where?
Hawkeye forgoes big city "action" and looks to instead become a small-town doctor where?
Where does Klinger go?
Charles will become chief of thoracic surgery in which city?
Where does B.J. go after the war?
Where does Margaret decide to go in the end?
Who does Father Mulcahy intend to help after the war?
Where does Kellye go?
Rizzo intends to breed frogs where?
Finally, what does Igor say he is going to be?

Do you remember where everyone went at the end of M*A*S*H?
Your Result...
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I forgot Kilinger stays in Korea....Ironic since he spent the entirety of the show trying to get to Toledo.
I guessed on Igor since that choice was so just had to be. Going from feeding slop to feeding slop.
I guessed on Igor since that choice was so just had to be. Going from feeding slop to feeding slop.
10-10. Goodbye, Farewell and Amen. After all these years it still brings the tears. Happy MeTV Saturday y’all.
Do you remember where everyone went at the end of M*A*S*H?
You got 10 out of 10
Well done! A toast to you! Tell us where you would go.
Right now, I'm just a 50-year-old, living-at-home "CARETAKER" for my semi-elderly and only-somewhat-senile mom and dad, you dig? LOL!
You got 10 out of 10
Well done! A toast to you! Tell us where you would go.
Right now, I'm just a 50-year-old, living-at-home "CARETAKER" for my semi-elderly and only-somewhat-senile mom and dad, you dig? LOL!
I wish that M*A*S*H was on 7 days a week it is a lot better than the si-fi crud that’s on the tv on Saturday night
10 out of 10. They don’t make shows like MASH anymore. Watching MASH on MeTV brings back a lot of fond memories growing up watching shows like MASH as a family
Great ending to a great show. I remember taping it when it originally aired on my Betamax! Got 9 correct...I didn’t remember the pig farming.