Ed Norton vs Edward Norton
How well do you know one from the other?
The Everett Collection
One was in Fight Club, the other is a fictional sewer worker. Do you think you know the difference between Art Carney on The Honeymooners and respected present-day actor Edward Norton? They've got the same name, but couldn't be more different.
See just how well you know Art Carney and his most famous character from the guy who used to play The Hulk. It's a fight for media domination with "Norton vs. Norton." Ring the bell!

Which is an Academy Award recipient?
Who, of these two, is canonically a part of the "Star Wars" universe?
Which one has voiced three different characters on "The Simpsons?"
Who was born in Mount Vernon, New Jersey?
The city of New York renamed the corner of Margaret & Winchester after which actor?
Who is related to the actor that originated the title role Broadway's "Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark?"
Which one is a known supporter of the African Wildlife Foundation?
Which one is a distant cousin of actress Julia Roberts?
Which one was married just once?
Who has starred alongside The Muppets?

Ed Norton vs Edward Norton
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