Guess the TV families that lived in these fictional places
Think of the show… then remember the family name!

Television comes up with some fantastic and funny places to live, and we're not just talking about outer space or the Stone Age. Even the most bucolic little towns are perfect spots to call home.
Over the decades, we have seen characters live in all kinds of places.
See if these fictional settings ring a bell. You'll have to think of the show first… then remember the characters' names. Good luck!
Who lived in Bedrock?
Who lived in Mayberry?
Which clan lived in Jefferson County, Virginia?
Who lived in Hooterville?
Who called Mayfield home?
Who dwelled in Orbit City?
Who lived in Raytown?
This alien family lived in Rutherford, Ohio.
This wholesome '50s sitcom family lived in Hilldale.
Who lived with his parents in Central City?
Finally, this soapy '80s saga took place in Tuscany Valley.

Guess the TV families that lived in these fictional places
Your Result...
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It's funny because Central City was also the setting for the Planet of the Apes TV show. While the movie obviously took place near New York because of the ending, (no, I won't spoil it,) the TV show took place in Central City or what once was San Francisco or at least the SF Bay Area. The dilapidated BART station was a bit of a giveaway.
You got 10 out of 11
Nice work! You could probably point to their house on a map!
Had to guess on many but I did get 10/11, so I guessed well. Who knew that Mick and Keith and the rest of the Stones lived in Hilldale? Now where the Hell is Hilldale? Didn't the McFly's live there too?
Nice work! You could probably point to their house on a map!
Had to guess on many but I did get 10/11, so I guessed well. Who knew that Mick and Keith and the rest of the Stones lived in Hilldale? Now where the Hell is Hilldale? Didn't the McFly's live there too?
In Mayberry, It was Andy Taylor, not Andy Griffith.
You got 7 out of 11
Looks like you took a few wrong turns. Better luck next time!
Guessed at most of them
Looks like you took a few wrong turns. Better luck next time!
Guessed at most of them
Guessed wrong on just one (knew Clark Kent lived with his parents in Smallville; it was the Flash who lived in Central City but I didn't know Maynard G Krebs was one of his neighbors).
Here's an easy one: Bug Tussle.
Here's an easy one: Bug Tussle.
Well that was only the pilot! Don't forget that the title was The Beverly Hillbillies! Even when they went home, it was usually to Hooterville!