Holy adaptation! How well do you know DC Comics superheroes on television?
Can you do this quiz ''Justice''?

Svengoolie follows Wonder Woman on Super Sci-Fi Saturday Night — but now Svengoolie can call Wonder Woman a true acquaintance. That's right, Svengoolie is rubbing shoulders with the Justice League, the ultimate horror host turns up in issues of DC Comics in the crossover event Svengoolie Meets the DC Universe.
In the comic, the Justice League are even watching MeTV in the Hall of Justice!
That got us thinking about DC superheroes in classic TV. Adventures of Superman kicked off the DC television universe in 1952. In the decades since, DC characters have had network shows, Saturday morning cartoons and syndicated series.
Let's see how well you know the history of DC superheroes on TV.
The wondrous Wonder Woman TV series was set in which decade?
Image: The Everett Collection
Batgirl (and Barbara Gordon) made her debut in 1967, portrayed by this actress.
Image: The Everett Collection
Speaking of Batman, pick the one actor who did NOT appear as Catwoman on the 1966–68 TV show.
He made a guest appearance as Superman on I Love Lucy.
Image: The Everett Collection
He played Superman in 'Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman.'
Image: The Everett Collection
Wonder Twin powers, activate! You remember that. But what is the monkey's name?
Image: The Everett Collection
This three-time Academy Award nominee played Wonder Girl.
Image: The Everett Collection
This DC hero made his debut in the pages of House of Secrets. He also had a TV series from 1990–93.
Image: The Everett Collection
This hero had his own Saturday morning cartoon from 1979–81.
Image: Warner Bros.
Jackson Bostwick played this hero on the 1974–76 series Shazam! — which had no relation to Gomer Pyle.
Image: The Everett Collection
Mark Hamill played this wicked member of the Rogues Gallery on the 1990–91 series The Flash.
Image: The Everett Collection
The first television appearance of Wonder Woman came on this cartoon spin-off of a famous sitcom, oddly enough.
Image: CBS Television Distribution / Filmation
Gerard Christopher played Clark Kent (and his alter ego) in this 1988–92 series.
Image: The Everett Collection
Loretta Swit of M*A*S*H starred in this made-for-TV movie musical about Superman in 1975.
Image: ABC

Holy adaptation! How well do you know DC Comics superheroes on television?
Your Result...
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Nailed it! That's quite an impressive skillset you have there!
Missed #12 and #13.
Mark Hamill has also played the Trickster on the current Flash series, and did the voice of the Trickster in the Justice League cartoon.
And in the Justice League Action short "Missing the Mark" he did the voices of the Trickster, the Joker, Swamp Thing, AND Mark Hamill.