Honk! Honk! Can you spot these 12 classic TV cars driving in traffic?

Try to spot the characters driving in these street shots!

Don't worry, it's not going to be as hard as the main image up top. But if you did spot a familiar TV car in that image, then you're going to speed through this on cruise control.

We grabbed some shots of cars from a dozen classic TV series. There's one catch — there happens to be a lot of traffic today. Look closely to see if you can identify the correct drivers!

Try not to get road rage! Good luck!
  1. Which classic, quirky sitcom family is cruising in this scene?
  2. Can you find a familiar team driving a vehicle in this scene?
  3. Can you spot a popular '80s ride in this shot?
  4. Can you detect a certain detective on the case in one of these vehicles?
  5. Try to chase down the correct answer here.
  6. Which iconic character is driving a car in this scene?
  7. Which duo is burning rubber?
  8. Can you piece together the clues and find the driver?
  9. Which 1960s character is zipping around in this shot?
  10. Okay, there's no traffic, but someone has set up a lot of traffic cones. Who is taking a driving test?
  11. Finding a parking spot — or the correct answer — can be tough.
  12. Finally, which character can you spot speeding along this street?

Honk! Honk! Can you spot these 12 classic TV cars driving in traffic?

Your Result...

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JeffBaker 36 months ago
It's only in the last episode that Kolchak's car gets its cool nickname: The Yellow Submarine.
DeborahRoberts 36 months ago
11/12 No excuses for missing Mannix's car. 🤦‍♀️
Snickers 41 months ago
11/12 Missed # 5 because I didn't see Kitt in the corner.
WILD 44 months ago
You got 12 out of 12
Looking good! You're more than ready to earn your license.
Darlin 44 months ago
Bad clue on #7 because the red car was not burning rubber
djw1120 65 months ago
9 out of 12
Although I have a problem with # 7: Starsky's Gran Torino is NOT "burning rubber" as the clue indicates, the other car is.
I thought that it was The Green Hornet's and Kato's car "Black Beauty".
At least it looks like it.
Rickey 66 months ago
You got 12 out of 12
Looking good! You're more than ready to earn your license.
ndebrabant 66 months ago
You got 10 out of 12
Looking good! You're more than ready to earn your license.
Runeshaper 67 months ago
You got 10 out of 12
Looking good! You're more than ready to earn your license.

I know my rides LOL
CouchPotato19 72 months ago
8/12. I don't pay attention to cars...........only Cannon's car because he was hot!
EllisClevenger 72 months ago
You got 11 out of 12
Looking good! You're more than ready to earn your license.
Missed #12.
Excuse #217. I ran out of gas.
Lacey 72 months ago
11/12 I was looking at the WRONG car in the last one.
CarrieMcCourt 72 months ago
Got 11/12 Missed #11. Back in those days I wasn't paying all that much attention to the cars, unless they really stood out. Kinda disappointed the Corvette from Route 66 wasn't included.

BTW when will R66 be returning? And hopefully at a decent hour. I watch very little MeTV these days because too many shows have been rerun to death.
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