Horror Expert Challenge: Who played these boogeymen?

One, two, this is quiz is coming for you!

 The Everett Collection

It ain't easy being that which goes bump in the night. Chances are, you'll need a mask, or maybe some gruesome makeup. Either way, lots of Hollywood Heartstoppers go unrecognized for their efforts. We aim to amend that with this handy quiz.

Sometimes, it takes a village to play a boogeyman. Sometimes, more than one actor embodies each role. While that may be the case, we just want you to click the one that works best. No use saying "Oh but so-and-so was ACTUALLY ________" in the comments. We know. It's multiple choice, so just choose a correct answer.

Good luck and be sure to share your score and your favorite killer in the comments section below!

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  1. Freddy Krueger
  2. Leatherface
  3. Jason Vorhees
  4. The Candyman
  5. Chucky
  6. Jigsaw
  7. Hannibal Lecter
  8. Pennywise
  9. Pinhead
  10. Michael Myers

Horror Expert Challenge: Who played these boogeymen?

Your Result...

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cperrynaples 3 months ago
A few comments: Some of these characters have been played by multiple actors but I'll assume the correct answer is who did it first! On that basis, the correct answer for 7 should be Brian Cox,NOT Anthony Hopkins! Some of the fake answers are fun! I might want to see Svengoolie as Jason, and Dr. Phil as Jigsaw would be really scary! Fun Fact: McGraw actually parodied Saw in one of the Scary Movies! Finally, I am SHOCKED that this new page didn't acknowledge the death of Tony Todd, who did both Candyman AND Final Destination!
DethBiz 3 months ago
10 out of 10. RIP Tony Todd. What a great voice!
cperrynaples DethBiz 3 months ago
Thank You! Read my comment above!
scp 3 months ago
Argh, eight out of ten, but the two I missed I decided to not go with my first choice, which turned out to be the right ones.
greenhornet66 3 months ago
10 out of 10. i guessed at the last three.
Tresix 3 months ago
10/10. Trivia note: Tobin Bell, Jigsaw from the “Saw” movies, was in an episode of “Seinfeld”. In the episode about the senior citizens, Bell played the record store owner who kept lowballing Kramer and Newman (“I’d just as soon hear you sing ‘Mammy’.”).
cperrynaples Tresix 3 months ago
And "oh yes,there will be blood"! I hate the fact that the worst Daniel Day Lewis movie STOLE that phrase...LOL!
Tresix cperrynaples 3 months ago
I always say that quote whenever I see two people arguing and it looks like it will turn violent.
cperrynaples Tresix 3 months ago
Yes, in There Will Be Blood [NOT the title of the book it's based on,BTW] Lewis serves up more ham than a Easter banquet! Honestly."I drink your milkshake" is one of the stupidest lines in a movie drama EVER!
Crisco 3 months ago
AHHHH! You got 8 out of 10
Phew! You got away from the bad guys safe and sound.
sjbang88 3 months ago
9/10 I missed Michael Myers. Well, the trick's on me.
Poolboy13 4 months ago
6/10 my response: who dat monster?
CoreyC 4 months ago
9/10 Fun Fact Marc Singer and Robert Englund was in V in 1984. Robert Englung was a friendly lizard alien.
Jacki CoreyC 4 months ago
I remember that show. 😊
cperrynaples Jacki 3 months ago
So do I! He didn't have the makeup in that one!
JohninND CoreyC 3 months ago
I remember that too. Was a great TV event. Fun. Remember the gerbil it hamster?
bukhrn 4 months ago
9/10, not bad as most were guesses
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