How many 1970s sitcoms can you remember?

Try to complete the name of every popular comedy from the decade.

The Seventies were a golden age for the sitcom. Comedy started to get diverse, not to mention a little serious from time to time. There are dozens of classics from that decade that continue to entertain us today.

We gathered all the sitcoms aired the '70s that lasted two or more seasons (or scored really high in the ratings). Shows that began in the fall of 1969 are included because they aired most of their episodes in the '70s.

So, how many of them can you remember? Try to fill in the missing word from all 46 titles. We bet some of you can ace this.
  1. The _______ Bunch
  2. M*_*_*H
  3. Happy ______
  4. The _______ Tyler Moore Show
  5. The J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _s
  6. Welcome Back, _______
  7. _______ & Mindy
  8. _______ in Cincinnati
  9. _______ in the Family
  10. The Odd _______
  11. _______ & Shirley
  12. The Partridge _______
  13. _______ and Son
  14. The Bob _______ Show
  15. _______ Miller
  16. _______ Company
  17. _______ Strokes
  18. The Facts of _______
  19. S _ _ p
  20. Chico and the ______
  21. _______ Happening!!
  22. Love, _______ Style
  23. M _ _ _ e
  24. R _ _ _ a
  25. _______ Times
  26. That's My _______
  27. A _ _ _ e
  28. P _ _ _ _ _ s
  29. The Courtship of _______ Father
  30. One _______ at a Time
  31. B _ _ _ _ n
  32. The R _ _ _ _ s
  33. _______ Is Enough
  34. Ang _ _
  35. The _______ Dick Van Dyke Show
  36. Bridget Loves _______
  37. _______ and The Professor
  38. Room _______
  39. The Bad News _______
  40. The Tony _______ Show
  41. Hello, _______
  42. _______ Loose
  43. _._._. Sharkey
  44. The Brian _______ Show
  45. Operation _______
  46. Funny _______

How many 1970s sitcoms can you remember?

Your Result...

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RedSamRackham 16 months ago
* You got 46 out 46
They really knew how to make 'em in the 1970s! How many did you get right? Show off your score and share!
WilliamJorns 19 months ago
Got 'em all right! One comment, though: Room 222, if I recall correctly, wasn't a sitcom but a drama.
Lacey 19 months ago
44/45 I DID watch way too much TV growing up.
Caretaker245 41 months ago
44/45. Had to guess on two, and guessed wrong. Dyslexia almost got me on number 8... I wish that one of the "nostalgia" channels would start to run "Angie"... loved that show!!
WILD 41 months ago
Did this one 15 months ago and still got a perfect score + a bonus point/

You got 46 out 45
They really knew how to make 'em in the 1970s! How many did you get right? Show off your score and share!

Maybe the bonus point was for knowing Funny Face???
DerekBird 56 months ago
You got 46 out 45
They really knew how to make 'em in the 1970s!
TonyCosta 56 months ago
46 out of 45 .. Better than perfect! Thank you very much
CaroleThorpe 57 months ago
You got 46 out 45
They really knew how to make 'em in the 1970s! How many did you get right? Show off your score and share!
cripplious 57 months ago
I was born in the tail end of the 70s and got a 36 of 46
p 64 months ago
"45 out of 45", but I missed one of the 46 questions......go figure.
Dario 65 months ago
45 out of 46!(missed the Funny Face question) 😁😁😁😁😁
AdrMky 65 months ago
WILD 65 months ago
You got 45 out 45
They really knew how to make 'em in the 1970s! How many did you get right? Show off your score and share! The last one did it to me again. I chose Girl and it was Face
Mike 65 months ago
got two wrong by accident there was so many you know
DerekBird Mike 56 months ago
I know, I got them all right +1.
BonnieWebreGraham 65 months ago
It says i got 38 out of 45 but it marked me wrong on 4 i got right, so I actually onky got 3 wrong.
Paul 67 months ago
"You got 46 out 45." I wasn't a match major in college, but ....
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