How well do you know Svengoolie, MeTV's horror host and primetime Saturday show?
Step into the Sven-iverse and see how well you know the Emmy award-winning horror host, Svengoolie!

It's going to be a Sven-tastic spooky season this year on MeTV!
Svengoolie's Halloween BOOnanza runs all month long! There's no better time than now to test your knowledge of our favorite horror host!
Svengoolie is the go-to place for classic horror and sci-fi commentary, comedy and classics!
From the man himself to his MeTV primetime show, how well do you know Svengoolie?

Sven is the king of horror hosts in what city?
What year did Svengoolie begin appearing nationally on MeTV?
Who is the original Svengoolie?
Before he had the official name of Svengoolie, Rich Koz was known as...
What year did Svengoolie debut?
What often gets thrown at Svengoolie after a bad joke?
Who is Svengoolie's pre-historic chicken partner on the show?
Following Svengoolie, the show's spinoff series Sventoonie hits the air on MeTV. What is Sventoonie's nickname?
What position did Koz hold while at Fox 32 in Chicago during the early '90s?
True or false: Svengoolie lives in BERRRR-WYNN, Illinois.

How well do you know Svengoolie, MeTV's horror host and primetime Saturday show?
Your Result...
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Gwengoolie™ Gaze T-Shirt

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

Gwengoolie™ Gaze T-Shirt

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

Svengoolie® T-Shirt

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

Svengoolie® T-Shirt

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

Gwengoolie™ Gaze T-Shirt

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

Gwengoolie™ Gaze T-Shirt

9 out of 10! The only question I got wrong was number nine! I didn't know what Svengoolie did during the early 90s, I do now though! I love Svengoolie so much. I'm glad I got to do this quiz (and do good on it also!) and learn a little from it!
For all fans of Svengoolie - and other horror hosts - you're going to want to slither out and grab the new issue of "Scary Monsters" magazine.
Sven is on the cover and the innards are devoted to horror hosts from "Abel" to "Zacherly".
The postman just folded my delivery copy in two and rammed it in the mailbox [le sigh]. It should be hitting bookstores soon!
Sven is on the cover and the innards are devoted to horror hosts from "Abel" to "Zacherly".
The postman just folded my delivery copy in two and rammed it in the mailbox [le sigh]. It should be hitting bookstores soon!
"8. Following Svengoolie, the show's spinoff series Sventoonie hits the air on MeTV. What is Sventoonie's nickname?"
I have my own nickname for Sventoonie .... but I'd rather not say it here.
I have my own nickname for Sventoonie .... but I'd rather not say it here.
9 for 10. I missed which year the original Svengoolie debuted.
Back then, practically every Chicago channel had a horror movie show: WFLD had “Screaming Yellow Theatre” with the original Svengoolie. WGN had “Creature Features”. WLS had “Freaky Features” (or, maybe, “Freaky Films”). WBBM had “Fright Night” (no, it wasn’t hosted by Roddy McDowall). In the Eighties, WPWR had a show called “Saturday Night Dead”, which really did air after “SNL”.