How well do you remember the lyrics to these iconic spooky songs?

Tricks, treats, and grooves!

 Everett Collection

If you've been at a Halloween party this year, chances are you've heard your fair share of spooky songs. Hopefully, you were grooving along with the rest of us! In this quiz, we'll give you lyrics to song that we're willing to bet has appeared on a majority of Halloween playlists, and it's your job to finish the song!

  1. Michael Jackson's "Thriller": "You hear the door slam..."
  2. Boris Pickett's "Monster Mash": "They played the mash. It was a graveyard smash..."
  3. Ray Parker Jr.'s "Ghostbusters": "If you've had a dose of..."
  4. Stevie Wonder's "Superstition": "When you believe in things you don't understand...."
  5. Rockwell's "Somebody's Watching Me": "I'm just an average man..."
  6. Warren Zevon's "Werewolves of London": "You hear him howling around your kitchen door..."
  7. David Bowie's "Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)": "When I looked in her eyes, they were blue..."
  8. Sheb Wooley's "The Purple People Eater": "But that's not the reason that I came to land..."
  9. Oingo Boingo's "Weird Science": "No hesitation, no heart of gold..."
  10. From Dusty Springfield's "Spooky": "You always keep me guessing. I never seem to know..."

How well do you remember the lyrics to these iconic spooky songs?

Your Result...

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IdaKnow56 4 months ago
9 out of 10. The only thing I love more than horror movies is rock n' roll!
Dajj 4 months ago
8/10.Happy Halloween everybody!!!
RobertK 4 months ago
5 of 10. Not too good. I couldn't guess my way to victory on this one!
KawiVulc 4 months ago
4/10... would only go out of my way to listen to 2 & 6 anyway...
CortneyNicole 4 months ago
7/10 I had a spooky good time with these songs and lyrics!
FestusFan2312 4 months ago
5/10. Outside of Monster Mash and Purple People Eater they were all guesses.
JayBurd 4 months ago
You got 7 out of 10
Hope you had a spooky good time!
seltaeb 4 months ago
No "Season of the Witch" by Donavan? But Joan Jett's version is way better.
BenSobeleone seltaeb 4 months ago
I've heard both as well.
Jacki 4 months ago
10/10 knew the songs from the 80s. Some of the songs were before my time but I remembered them from my parents playing them on the stereo. I took a chance and guessed on #10. 😊
KJExpress Jacki 4 months ago
Great job!
Jacki KJExpress 4 months ago
Thank you.😊
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