Only one of these haunted house movies will make it through the night!

Enter this quiz at your own risk!

 Warner Bros./American International Pictures/Columbia Pictures

The saying goes, "There's no place like home," and when that home is haunted, we can only hope that it's true. In this quiz, we're making you choose between two different iconic haunted house films to find the best of the best! Be warned: To maximize fun, we're playing it very loose with what we'd call a "haunted house" film. That means that any home with something spooky, real or imagined, counts as a haunted house in our hearts. 

  1. Choose a haunted house film!
  2. Choose a haunted house film!
  3. Choose a haunted house film!
  4. Choose a haunted house film!
  5. Choose a haunted house film!
  6. Choose a haunted house film!
  7. Choose a haunted house film!
  8. Choose a haunted house film!
  9. Choose a haunted house film!
  10. Choose a haunted house film!

Only one of these haunted house movies will make it through the night!

Your Result...

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KJExpress 4 months ago
MeTV website/app definitely does have some quirks. I should probably use something bigger, but I've gotten used to my phone. 📲
texasluva 4 months ago
See you @
Where everyone can take a guess or make comments to other quizzers.
There will be extra bonus movies for just coming by. Including entertainment for all. Feel free to ask questions, copy movie links and just plain join in the fun via communication. The MQ will be up until the movie is guessed and an hour to look over and pick out what you wish. Have fun doing so. There are no wrong answers but the first one to guess the correct movie gets their names put up for getting it correctly.
Good luck and enjoy and check out the early Bird vids for quizzers
texasluva 4 months ago

Come one come all to the MeTv Friday Night Movie Quiz.and check out the early Bird vids for quizzers.
Where everyone can take a guess or make comments to other quizzers.
There will be extra bonus movies for just coming by. Including entertainment for all. Feel free to ask questions, copy movie links and just plain join in the fun via communication. The MQ will be up until the movie is guessed and an hour to look over and pick out what you wish. Have fun doing so. There are no wrong answers but the first one to guess the correct movie gets their names put up for getting it correctly. Good luck and enjoy. See you @
texasluva 4 months ago
Come one come all to the MeTv Friday Night Movie Quiz.and check out the early Bird vids for quizzers.
Where everyone can take a guess or make comments to other quizzers.
There will be extra bonus movies for just coming by. Including entertainment for all. Feel free to ask questions, copy movie links and just plain join in the fun via communication. The MQ will be up until the movie is guessed and an hour to look over and pick out what you wish. Have fun doing so. There are no wrong answers but the first one to guess the correct movie gets their names put up for getting it correctly. Good luck and enjoy. See you @
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AllisonWunderland 4 months ago
The final countdown 👍
AllisonWunderland 4 months ago
Watching the new Matlock with Kathy Bates! I just absolutely love this new TV series…and I don’t usually care for any of the new ones 🤭
KJExpress 4 months ago
I love it too! And I rarely watch new shows. I missed the pilot episode, though. Maybe it's on YouTube. 🤞
AllisonWunderland 4 months ago
Oh, you have to see the Pilot 👍👍
RobertK 4 months ago
90% Similar. I was low% on House of Usher vs. Poltergeist. Both were scary films but I tend towards the earlier 60's classics that creeped me out as a kid.
Bapa1 4 months ago
100% and don't even like the genre
Tresix 4 months ago
50% similar. I’ll take the 1997 version of “The Shining”, please, instead of the 1980 one.
FLETCH 4 months ago
100% similar 🧛🧟‍♂️👀👻🎃👿
MrsPhilHarris 4 months ago
49% similar. I haven’t seen a number of them.
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