Live like a cowboy for a day and we'll tell you which Western town you're destined to be the sheriff of

Giddy up!

 CBS Television Distribution

Howdy partner! You'd better get ready to saddle up because in this quiz, you get to live a day like a cowboy.

Once you've moseyed your way through these quiz questions, we'll be assigning you a new job: Sheriff of your favorite fictional western town. Be sure to answer honestly; cowboys never lie!

  1. Every good cowboy needs a hat. Pick one
  2. You'll also need a cowboy shirt. Pick one out here.
  3. No cowboy is complete without a mighty steed. Choose your horse.
  4. Are you going to have a sidekick?
  5. What kind of cowboy are you?
  6. A mysterious stranger rides into town. What do you do?
  7. You find out that there's a bounty on the head of a local man. How do you proceed?
  8. How are you settling all of your arguments?
  9. What's your cowboy catchphrase?
  10. You thought you were done picking an outfit, didn't you? No way! Finish your look off with one of these vests!

Live like a cowboy for a day and we'll tell you which Western town you're destined to be the sheriff of

Your Result...

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Take another quiz: Blur quiz: Football scenes
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DeborahRoberts 6 days ago
Stockton! Perfect for me. Heath and I will be busy for the foreseeable future. 😉
steviebeefs 7 days ago
Looks like I'm headed to the Big Valley (and Audra!).
edcrumpacker 1 month ago
I'm the new Sheriff of Stockton.
JERRY6 7 months ago
NEW SHERRIF OF Dodge , guess I don't have long to live
tbrian 9 months ago
You're the new sheriff of Dodge!
AnnieM 12 months ago
New Sheriff of Stockton here - (dashes off for a close interrogation of Nick Barkley)
Beatseeker 13 months ago
mayberry? all those cowboy things for nothin??
OldtruckTommy 13 months ago
Sheriff of Mayberry, I was always said that was my dream job. Low pressure, Aunt Bees cooking, although it would be tough to have to bust up a moonshine still 😉
LarryMMM 13 months ago
New Sheriff of Stockton? Well introduce me to Miss Audra Barkley please....
KellyO 13 months ago
New Sheriff of Stockton so I get to see the Barkley Boys!!! Well Yeee Haw!
ElwooodBlues 13 months ago
What does Mayberry have to do with anything out West?!
MikefromJersey 13 months ago
"You're the new sheriff of Mayberry! You'll have a great deputy in Barney Fife!"

First off, I'm putting Grumpy Crumpy on the train to southern Missouri where
Petticoat Junction is with it's colorful neighbors such as Arnold Ziffel and Mr. Drucker.
In exchange they will send Arnold, Opie needs a nanny and he will be a lot more fun
than dour, dreary, Helen. Besides, Mrs. Douglas taught Arnold how to make hotcakes,
Mercer4life49 13 months ago
I'm the Marshal of Dodge City. Now you get of town and I mean Kansas as well!
MommaManx 13 months ago
Now that I am the new Sheriff of Dodge City, it’s time to head out of Dodge! What fun.
Charlotte 13 months ago
Stockton sheriff and Victoria Barkley can be my deputy. No one tougher than her!
kahounaman 13 months ago
I will have to keep Barney locked for his own protection and my sanity!😁
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