Love experts, choose the superior television couple!

In this quiz, we're talking power couples!

 CBS Television Distribution

In this quiz, we're letting you play couple's therapist for a bit! We've pit two on-screen couples against each other. Tell us which is the best of the best!

Watch The Andy Griffith Show on MeTV!

Weeknights at 8 & 8:30, Sundays at 12 & 6 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Please choose the superior couple!
  2. Please choose the superior couple!
  3. Please choose the superior couple!
  4. Please choose the superior couple!
  5. Please choose the superior couple!
  6. Please choose the superior couple!
  7. Please choose the superior couple!
  8. Please choose the superior couple!
  9. Please choose the superior couple!
  10. Please choose the superior couple!

Love experts, choose the superior television couple!

Your Result...

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Guinness 1 month ago
70 % What about Gladys and Abner Kravitz from Bewitched? Abner Abner😂
Zip 1 month ago
70% similar
I am by no means a love expert(just ask my wife), but I thought I would do this quiz anyway.
sjbang88 1 month ago
60% similar. it seems I always gets 60% similar
Wendy57 1 month ago
Good memories of some great TV couples, except for #2. Never watched those shows.
tinkparker 1 month ago
70% Ricky and Lucy are the most iconic couple on tv
WordsmithWorks 1 month ago
Samantha and Darrin #1 or Samantha and Darrin #2?
Bapa1 WordsmithWorks 1 month ago
Darrin 2 and Uncle Arthur.
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