Pick: How popular are your opinions on Lost in Space?

Did you like Dr. Smith better when he was naughty or nice?

Half-space drama, half-campy comedy, Lost in Space remains one of the wildest shows to ever air. Fans either loved how the show evolved from season to season or felt a little lost themselves in how zany the Robinson family adventures could get.

This survey takes aim at the most heavily debated audience views when it comes to Lost in Space

Weigh in now and see if the whole world agrees with you or if your Lost in Space opinions amount to a planet all on its own.

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Saturdays at 1 AM

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  1. Who is your favorite Lost in Space character?
  2. Which Lost in Space season was your favorite?
  3. Was Dr. Smith better as an evil villain or campy sidekick?
  4. What’s your favorite Lost in Space episode?
  5. Which episode do you think has the craziest plot?

Pick: How popular are your opinions on Lost in Space?

Your Result...

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deltadart 8 months ago
64% A great show in all its various and creative renditions. All of the cast were good no matter how much time each had in the episodes.
Gayleistoons 38 months ago
I delight in my individuality...the masses are wrong. I really like Lost In Space 🤗
PulsarStargrave 38 months ago
80% Similar
Loved the more serious Space Opera but wouldn't have objected to the occasional Hapgood or Capt. Tucker episode! Loved "The Nefarious" Dr.Smith but toned down and less potentially murderous! If I remember correctly, Smith had a hand in designing The Robot and was familiar with its operation!

Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea is more my speed tonewise, but it doesn't have characters as interesting as The Robinsons and Dr.Smith!

BrianMoore 38 months ago
27% similar!? I'm a real maverick.
Moriyah 38 months ago
I took it again about 1 year later, and I'm now 86% similar!
Snickers Moriyah 38 months ago
Be kind of funny if Gomer Pyle took Dr. Smith's place. " Golly robot you one bubble headed booby".
zekezeus1 45 months ago
Met Marta Kristen at a sci fi convention years ago. She was really awesome with the fans and told some great stories!
RobChapman 47 months ago
My least favorite is Maureen. But, that might be because I met June Lockhart at a convention in the late 90's and she was the rudest, nastiest celebrity I've ever met, she clearly didn't want to be around us "common folk" and was only there for a paycheck. The exact opposite of the late Richard Hatch (Battlestar Galactica), who we met at the same convention and ended up hanging out with for over an hour.
Kipperbugg 49 months ago
Penny was my favorite grow up, such a crush on her
Snickers Kipperbugg 38 months ago
Always thought Marta Kristen was hot. She was my Lost in Space crush.
PulsarStargrave Kipperbugg 38 months ago
LOVED PENNY! Some of my favorite episodes feature her! When I was a kid it was Penny, Jeannie and Josette (from Dark Shadows)!
Lacey 49 months ago
You did not list any of my favorites episodes including The Sky Pirate, Treasure of the Lost Planet, and my absolute favorite, The Magic Mirror. I still cry with that one, though more figuratively these days.
Snickers Lacey 38 months ago
I think Magic Mirror was a season one B+W episode. There was one other from season one I really liked called " My Friend Mister Nobody"
Supercat58 49 months ago
Oh yeah, and the Robot was great too. He was smart and funny. I loved the way he put the good doctor in his place. Ha Ha!
Supercat58 49 months ago
My favorite character was Will. He was close to my age so I could relate (but he was more of a brain). Prof. Robinson was tough but loving. He had unlimited patience with Dr Smith. Don and the two girls had ok parts, but I liked Maureen best. She was (and June Lockhart is) gorgeous ❤️
PulsarStargrave 50 months ago
My favorite version of Dr. Smith is in the middle of Season One, more "ornery" than evil, a bit of a coward, (but how many can hold their nerve under those circumstances?) and he could be compassionate where the kids and Maureen were concerned.

The swashbuckling Professor Robinson was my favorite and I suspect cartoonist JACK KIRBY also liked him as he seemed to redesign The Fantastic Four's "Reed Richards" character to more resemble Robinson!

Finally, when I hit my teen years that's when I started to notice how pretty Penny was--and I still think so today, based on her relatively recent MeTV ads!
Moriyah 50 months ago
54% Similar! I would love if they made one for GP, and I bet a lot of people out there would like it too! Do y'all feel the same if that were to be the case?! (Let me know)
Moriyah DLF 49 months ago
If you're wondering, it stands for Gomer Pyle
Snickers 50 months ago
I think " Visit to a Hostile Planet" and "Trip through the Robot" were good but I liked "Hunter's Moon" as well.
daDoctah 50 months ago
Might have helped to have brief descriptions of the episodes for those last two questions. Was pretty sure that "Return from Outer Space" was the one I was thinking of, which before MeTV tended to get skipped over in syndication because it was a Christmas-themed storyline and would have seemed weird if it ran in April.

Another favorite of mine, "A Visit to Hades", wasn't listed as a choice for the quiz.
Snickers daDoctah 38 months ago
Loved that episode Smith thinking he was in Hades and trying to repent.
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