Plan a springtime picnic and we'll tell you which classic cartoon character you're sharing it with

Who are you sharing a springtime snack with?

 LOONEY TUNES and all related characters and elements are ™ of & © WBEI

Now that spring is here for most of us, there are endless opportunities to sit back and enjoy the great outdoors! In this quiz, we're asking you to plan a little picnic lunch for you and your friends. In return, we'll invite a very secret cartoon character to the rendezvous to share your snacks!

Watch Bugs Bunny and Friends on MeTV!

One Full Hour

Saturdays at 9 AM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. First off, where is this picnic taking place?
  2. Are you inviting friends?
  3. Are you making your food at home, or are most of these meals store bought?
  4. Please pick a beverage to serve at your picnic
  5. You'll need some finger foods too!
  6. Time for the main course
  7. Any sides dishes?
  8. Are you doing an activity on this picnic?
  9. You've got to have a dessert!
  10. Uh oh, looks like your picnic has attracted some of the local wildlife! Are you sharing your food with them?

Plan a springtime picnic and we'll tell you which classic cartoon character you're sharing it with

Your Result...

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gockionni 1 month ago
Jerry - cute and tiny, he won’t eat much
CrumblyCrunchies 1 month ago
Beverage? Well, the soda cans in the fridge are marked "beer" so I guess I would grab the "soda" cans.
SheriHeffner 11 months ago
I'm munching with Woody Woodpecker.
Lilly777 11 months ago
Jerry. I'd rather have Tom, not a mouse fan.
krpurtell 11 months ago
Dessert? What, no jello mold with marshmellows?
CBDude64 12 months ago
I'm picnicking with Bugs Bunny. I'm cool with that.
geatornez82 12 months ago
Woody Woodpecker. Not a big fan, but I don't dislike him, either.
Ratt1959 12 months ago
You're munching with Bugs Bunny.
jodyh05 12 months ago
Jerry. Looks like I’m bringing a cheese board.
ironman2000 12 months ago
I got Woody, so you know where this picnic is going.
Gossemer 12 months ago
Woody woodpecker, Ok we are gonna have some fun alright. Going to pick on Buzz and Wally Walrus.
gockionni 12 months ago
I’m munching with Jerry, but he might be a voracious eater. He’s tiny and he’s got lots of energy to expend! I’ll bring extra food!
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