Poll: What kind of horror movie is the scariest?
Which subgenre spooks you the most?

The Everett Collection
There are all types of things that go bump in the night!
We want to know where you stand with the various ghastly ghoulies at the cinema. There are so many different subgenres of horror movies! Which ones freak you out the most?
We'll give you a list to choose from, all you have to do is tell us which one is the scariest. Be sure to tell us why in the comments section below!
Which subgenre is the scariest?

Poll: What kind of horror movie is the scariest?
Your Result...
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There is only one true movie that really freaked me out and that was The Blair Witch. Now of course many here would probably say “Why?” Well the fact that you could be out in the woods alone and someone is out there messing with you. Yeah no thanks 😳
0% Sci Fi. I always went for the old 'suspended hubcap' style of flying saucer films. "Invasion of The Saucermen" is still a campy movie that gives me the chills. Nothing beats a rubber, disembodied, crawling alien hand with an eyeball. 👽👍🏼
I really get freaked out by clowns and dolls that fall into the uncanny valley territory. Fun fact: I adore Killer Clowns from Outer Space! To me, those clowns are so over the top as to not be confused with humans. Go figure!
Let’s hide in the barn behind the chainsaws.
70%... picked Psychological figuring it was where Duel (Dennis Weaver) would belong. Saw it as a kid & it scared me silly because every where we went in the family car there were tractor trailers around. Only movie that ever really scared me. Well, that & Creature From The Black Lagoon cause I watched it the first time I stayed home alone while my parents were out shopping, about age 7.
as people know
#1 The Shining
#2 Dawn of the dead
now where they fit in this artsy - fartsy categs - (dunt know Lucy)
as people know
#1 The Shining
#2 Dawn of the dead
now where they fit in this artsy - fartsy categs - (dunt know Lucy)
Scariest sub-genre of horror is stuff that could happen in real life, like nuclear war or domestic nuclear terrorism. If anyone is interested, here's a mostly forgotten made-for-TV movie that won four Emmys called Special Bulletin about domestic terrorists holding Charleston, SC hostage with a makeshift nuclear bomb. Here's a link to one of the versions on Youtube (with commercials): https://youtu.be/_o4EyFLenpo?si=GD92uacL2sT-nfuE&t=5
I love horror movies and especially the classics so I went with haunted house
I love haunted house anything. True story:
Playing pool alone in my sister’s basement one afternoon when someone was ring the doorbell repeatedly. No one was at the door and the doorbell was removed from the wall years ago. Still gives me chills.
Playing pool alone in my sister’s basement one afternoon when someone was ring the doorbell repeatedly. No one was at the door and the doorbell was removed from the wall years ago. Still gives me chills.