The Experts Only Hammer Horror Quiz

The studio that sent shivers down your spine for decades!

 The Everett Collection

Creepy castles, stormy nights, and mad scientists. Nobody did brightly-colored macabre quite like Hammer back in the day.

You might know the stories of Frankenstein, and Dracula, but you've never seen them quite like this!  

We want to see how well you know these scary British classics. So take the quiz, test your know-how, and share your score in the comments section below! Good luck and beware!

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  1. Which of these is considered Hammer's first horror movie?
  2. In 1958's "Horror of Dracula", who plays Dracula?
  3. In that same movie, who stars as Doctor Van Helsing?
  4. In "The Curse of Frankenstein," what is the first reanimated being?
  5. "The Hound of the Baskervilles" is a Hammer Horror adaptation of a story by...
  6. Which of these William Castle was co-produced with Hammer?
  7. Which actress stars as Isobel Banning/Princess Ananka in 1959's "The Mummy"
  8. In "The Horror of Frankenstein," the only film in Hammer's series to not star Peter Cushing, who plays Victor Frankenstein?
  9. Which of these filmmakers directed 29 films for Hammer, including "The Curse of Frankenstein," "Dracula," and "The Mummy"?
  10. Hammer was revived in 2008. Who starred in their 2012 adaptation of "The Lady in Black"?

The Experts Only Hammer Horror Quiz

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Jacki 4 months ago
8/10 most were guesses. When I was a kid, a local tv station used to rerun those old Christopher Lee movies with him as the vampire. Scared the he** out of me. Slept with the light on for quite a while after watching those. 😄
Vaughn1960 4 months ago
8 out of 10. The only ones I didn't get are 1 and 10.
Pastorgman 4 months ago
10/10 - Too many Horror movies as a kid!
CortneyNicole 4 months ago
8/10 Great guess..The last one is easy!
paulie266 4 months ago
5/10 - i definitely did not nail this quiz 🔨
TSeym22 4 months ago
8/10 Wavered between two on #6 and picked the wrong one, guessed wrong on #8. Actually surprised I knew so many.
Cheddar8 4 months ago
5/10 oh well. Hammer films had such great set decoration
Dajj 4 months ago
8/10. Lee and Cushing, great together!
Virginia_Field 4 months ago
8 out of 10. Longtime Hammer fan. A later day Hammer film not mentioned here, but in my opinion one of the best is "Vampire Circus."
Tresix 4 months ago
10/10, had to guess on a couple and got lucky.
LmerFudd 4 months ago
Hammer Films are very atmospheric, all without the gore and guts of today's schlock. Hammer Forever!
TammyMeador 4 months ago
You got 4 out of 10
Well, even Victor Frankenstein didn't always get it right!👻👻
PhilcoFirst 4 months ago
The late Terry Pratchett, of Discworld and other writings fame, did a send-up of British horror films in "Carpe Jugulum" and I believe one other book.

One of my favorite item was his naming of the vampires' castle called "Don'tgonearthe Castle".'tgonearthe_Castle

There's a footnote in "Carpe Jugulum" or the other book describing Pratchett's observation that the ubiquitous black coach carrying the hapless victim/potential protagonist always seemed to break down/wreck at about the same spot along the lake in Black Park very near Pinewood Studios.
brettgray 4 months ago
10/10 I've been a Hammer Horror fan since childhood! Happy Halloween, everyone!
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