Tiny Terror Poll: Choose your favorite killer doll!

Knee-high nerve-wracking menaces!

 The Everett Collection

You're lying down for a good night's sleep when suddenly, you hear the scampering of little feet running across your hallway. "Oh, it's just the toddler," you might think. But wait a minute! You don't have a toddler! Next thing you know, there's a miniature maniac leaping at your throat. Don't you just hate when that happens?

Killer dolls have been spooking and scaring for as long as horror media has existed. It's a stock character for a reason... Tiny things that want to kill us? That's pretty freaky!

So, who's your favorite? Admittedly, some of these aren't exactly killer dolls. Some of them are just... Sinister.

We want to see how your choice compares to the rest of your MeTV.com neighbors! Let us know, and be sure to tell us in the comments if we missed your pick!

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  1. Which killer doll is the best?

Tiny Terror Poll: Choose your favorite killer doll!

Your Result...

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MrsPhilHarris 4 months ago
I’m glad you are okay. I mentioned to Tex you had been missing for a week at the time of the last quiz. We were concerned. 😃
AllisonWunderland 4 months ago
Yes, sir! My friend…see ya Friday 🐶
AllisonWunderland 4 months ago
Aww, thank you…I apologized to Tex and everyone in our “crew”. We were just so busy I didn’t have time for nothin. Lol
texasluva 4 months ago
Come one come all to the MeTv Friday Night Movie Quiz.and check out the early Bird vids for quizzers.
Where everyone can take a guess or make comments to other quizzers.
There will be extra bonus movies for just coming by. Including entertainment for all. Feel free to ask questions, copy movie links and just plain join in the fun via communication. The MQ will be up until the movie is guessed and an hour to look over and pick out what you wish. Have fun doing so. There are no wrong answers but the first one to guess the correct movie gets their names put up for getting it correctly. Good luck and enjoy. See you @ https://metv.com/quiz/can-you-match-the-scary-movie-to-its-tagline
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KJExpress 5 months ago
Oooh...I can hear the TZ theme! 😱
texasluva 5 months ago
Here are your movies from last Friday and the links. They should work. Once you copy the ones you want please let me know.

The Black Phone (2021) Psychological Horror--Supernatural Horror--Mystery--Thriller-
Scott Derrickson
Mason Thames---Madeleine McGraw---Ethan Hawke---Jeremy Davies-
After being abducted and locked in a basement, a boy starts receiving calls on a disconnected phone from the killer's previous victims.


A Man Called Otto - (2022) Comedy--Drama-- Tom Hanks
Marc Forster
Tom Hanks---Mariana Treviño---Rachel Keller---John Higgins-
Otto is a grump who's given up on life following the loss of his wife and wants to end it all. When a young family moves in nearby, he meets his match in quick-witted Marisol, leading to a friendship that will turn his world around.

Niagara (1953) Film-Noir--Thriller-
Henry Hathaway
Marilyn Monroe---Joseph Cotten---Jean Peters---Max Showalter-
As two couples are visiting Niagara Falls, tensions between one wife and her husband reach the level of murder.


Fright Night (2011) Teen Horror--Vampire Horror--Action--Comedy--Drama-
Craig Gillespie
Anton Yelchin---Colin Farrell---David Tennant-
Toni Collette---Imogen Poots---Christopher Mintz-Plasse-
"Fright Night" - A new neighbor moves in next to Charley, who discovers that he is an ancient vampire who preys on the community. Can he save his neighborhood from the creature with the help of the famous "vampire killer", Peter Vincent?


Ministry Of Fear (1944) Film-Noir--Crime--Drama--Mystery--Thriller
Fritz Lang
Ray Milland---Marjorie Reynolds---Carl Esmond---Hillary Brooke-
Percy Waram---Dan Duryea---Alan Napier-
Stephen Neale has just been released from an asylum during World War II in England when he accidentally stumbles onto a deadly Nazi spy plot and tries to stop it.


Return Of The Living Dead (1985) Dark Comedy--Supernatural Horror--Teen Horror--Zombie Horror--Comedy Horror--Sci-Fi (best copy) More laughs then scares-
Dan O'Bannon
Clu Gulager---James Karen---Don Calfa-
Thom Mathews---Beverly Randolph-
When two bumbling employees at a medical supply warehouse accidentally release a deadly gas into the air, the vapors cause the dead to rise again as zombies.


xxxxxxx looked out the window and found or MQ flick. Congrats xxxxxx
The Window (1949) Film-Noir--Drama--Thriller-
Ted Tetzlaff
Bobby Driscoll---Barbara Hale---Arthur Kennedy-
Paul Stewart---Ruth Roman-
To avoid the heat of a sweltering summer night a 9-year-old Manhattan boy decides to sleep on the fire escape and witnesses a murder, but no one will believe him.


texasluva 5 months ago
Come one come all to the MeTv Friday Night Movie Quiz.
Where everyone can take a guess or make comments to other quizzers.
There will be extra bonus movies for just coming by. Including entertainment for all. Feel free to ask questions, copy movie links and just plain join in the fun via communication. The MQ will be up until the movie is guessed and an hour to look over and pick out what you wish. Have fun doing so. There are no wrong answers but the first one to guess the correct movie gets their names put up for getting it correctly. See you @ https://www.metv.com/quiz/can-you-name-the-spooky-film-that-vincent-price-does-not-appear-in
9 P.M. Sharp (Friday) CT. Stop by .
Good luck and enjoy and check out the early Bird vids for quizzers
Note: The movie site Internet Archive was Hacked just two weeks ago. The site is back up in read only mode for now. Which you are able to watch these movies using the link. If it goes back down Iwill let you know.
texasluva 5 months ago
See you @ https://www.metv.com/quiz/can-you-name-the-spooky-film-that-vincent-price-does-not-appear-in
Where everyone can take a guess or make comments to other quizzers.
There will be extra bonus movies for just coming by. Including entertainment for all. Feel free to ask questions, copy movie links and just plain join in the fun via communication. The MQ will be up until the movie is guessed and an hour to look over and pick out what you wish. Have fun doing so. There are no wrong answers but the first one to guess the correct movie gets their names put up for getting it correctly.
Good luck and enjoy and check out the early Bird vids for quizzers
Note: The movie site Internet Archive was attacked just two days ago. The site is down until is back and running. It could be a couple more days before one can play theri MQ flicks.
Note: The movie site Internet Archive was Hacked just two weeks ago. The site is back up in read only mode for now. Which you are able to watch these movies using the link. If it goes back down Iwill let you know.
JHP 5 months ago
My Killer Doll is,,,,Barbara Hale - plus a few more:)
MikefromJersey 5 months ago
Zuni Doll, Chucky, bah humbug!
You want a terror doll from hell, nothing beats Mrs. Beasley, Buffy's tool for evil, from
Family Affair. Don't scoff, Chuck Cunningham did that and his family never saw him again,
in fact they acted like he never existed.
Poor Mister Wilson as well, one day he was there, the next he was gone forever and
Dennis Mitchell was left to torment his brother who bore a striking resemblance to
Gale Gordon.
Never cross The Beas!
deltadart 5 months ago
Night Gallery- "The Doll" It's the whole episode that is scary and well-acted. One of the best episodes of the series.
Dysall 5 months ago
100% Chucky. Friends to the end. This is the end, Friend.
Payneiam 5 months ago
30% similar how could Chucky beat out Zuni doll ?
Rick Payneiam 5 months ago
ironman2000 Payneiam 5 months ago
Zuni doll scared the hell out of everyone in the 70s.
KJExpress 5 months ago
It was a toss up between Talky Tina and the Zuni doll. I couldn't decide.

Somewhere I have my Raggedy Ann doll. I loved it as a little girl, but there have been too many creepy rag dolls since then. I guess she will have to remain hidden. 😨
McGillahooala 5 months ago
0% similar. Lots of greats but I picked Fats from Magic. My parents left me home alone for a couple of hours when I was about 9. The ad for Magic came on and I stood in the doorway with the door open until they came home. I was positioned to run outside if he was in the house. It scared the life out of me. I only got around to watching the movie a few years ago. It was good. Early Anthony Hopkins movie.
KJExpress McGillahooala 5 months ago
I remember seeing that! Just once, but it left an impression. 🙈
jodyh05 5 months ago
70% talky Tina. I almost said Robert but he didn’t scare me , he did scare my youngest son. My parents went to the museum in the keys and brought him back a Robert doll when he was 5 and he was terrified. Lol
MrsPhilHarris jodyh05 5 months ago
Who is Robert?
jodyh05 MrsPhilHarris 5 months ago
jodyh05 MrsPhilHarris 5 months ago
There was a movie a few years back, but the real doll is in a museum in key west. I think the nanny cursed the doll.
Sway 5 months ago
Not familiar with most of those dolls, maybe if there was a photo of them..
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