Try to find the picture of Raymond Burr that is NOT Perry Mason!
One of these Burrs is not like the others!

Everybody loves Raymond! Burr will forever be associated with the role of Perry Mason — and vice versa.
But that is not the only role the actor played! He also had some memorable movies on his resume.
Below, you will find a dozen screenshots of Burr at work. In 11 of them, he is playing Perry Mason. Try to find the ONE image that is not Perry!

Pick the one Burr who is NOT Perry Mason!

Try to find the picture of Raymond Burr that is NOT Perry Mason!
Your Result...
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You picked the right answer! That's Raymond Burr in the 1956 horror classic, Godzilla: King of the Monsters! Nice detective work! It took me 5 tries before I found the right one!
Easy, peasy. First try. I recognized that photo as a young Raymond Burr from the revision of the original movie, 'Gojira', which was entirely in Japanese. The revision was renamed 'Godzilla, King of the Monsters' where Raymond Burr played a journalist and was interspersed throughout the original movie.
"You found it!" Yeah...eventually. And I don't care what this quiz says--that cute slightly chubby little face in the next to the last picture is Robert T. Ironside, printed in black and white to make it a bit more difficult. Probably telling the commissioner where to head in, too...
Picked the right one the very first time. Fun Fact: Burr tried to get his co-star Godzilla, to do an episode of Perry Mason, but the Japanese superstar was reluctant to leave Japan.