Was this word added to the dictionary in the '70s, '80s, or '90s?
Don't let this be a "buzzkill"!

The one thing that never changes about language is that it keeps changing. Brand new words and phrases are entering our lexicon all the time. The 2010s have already given us "bingeable", "escape room", and "photobomb". We need new words to describe new experiences, inventions, and discoveries. Or maybe we just finally put a name to something that's already been around.
Using the Merriam-Webster time machine, we're looking at the years that words first entered the dictionary. Keep in mind that this quiz is only using the year the word was added to the dictionary, not the year that it first began being used. Many of these words were used for awhile before getting added - that's how language works!
Can you guess if these words and phrases were added to the dictionary in the groovy '70s, the far-out '80s, or the totally tubular '90s?
Mosh pit
Touch screen

Was this word added to the dictionary in the '70s, '80s, or '90s?
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