We can guess your age based on your perfect summer day

What is your perfect summer day?


We all have our own definition of what makes the perfect summer day. Whether it's soaking up some sun, splashing around in a pool, going on a picnic or going for a walk, most of us have some kind of go-to activity during the hot summer months. 

The idea of summer has pretty much remained the same through all decades, however certain things have changed. These days it's not uncommon to see teens and adults alike snapping selfies by the beach or making TikToks at famous vacation spots. Not only has technology changed the way we participate in our favorite summer activities but some activities have changed altogether. 

Choose which answers below match your perfect summer day and we will guess how old you are! What is your perfect summer day?

  1. Your friend surprises you with a summer road trip, where would you want to go?
  2. You're going on a picnic, what summer snack will you bring?
  3. What genre of music are you playing at the cookout or summer road trip?
  4. You're invited to a cookout, what are you bringing for the grill?
  5. It's the perfect summer day outside. How are you spending your time?
  6. You're hot so you decide to go grab some ice cream. Which flavor are you choosing?
  7. Which of these summer activities sound more appealing?
  8. All the phones are out during this summer get together. What are you doing on yours?
  9. Summer fashion is back! What are you wearing?
  10. If you had a summer beach house, where would you want it to be?
  11. It's over 90 degrees outside. You decide to stay in for the day. What are you doing?
  12. Where can you normally be found all summer long?
  13. A friend wants to go swimming. Where would you rather go?
  14. What age did you take your first vacation?
  15. What is your prime summer destination spot?

We can guess your age based on your perfect summer day

Your Result...

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Tigerboo 6 months ago
You are 45–wishful 🤔 thinking. I’m 60.
MC1707 Tigerboo 6 months ago
LOL, I got 63, I’m 70
Nightshade1972 6 months ago
"You are 35." I wish-- I'll be 53 in January. :-)
LarryMMM 8 months ago
I'm 62, told I'm 45, oh how I wish I could go back to that age and time in my life.....
Sweetles 8 months ago
I'm 62. It said I was 35. I'll take it!
Pauly_789 8 months ago
Pretty close, results were 63, I'm 59.7.
Mrflash500 10 months ago
I can say feel like 25. But I won't. Lol
Moody 20 months ago
35. LOL! That would make me younger than 3 of my kids.
KaterTot 20 months ago
Y'ALL who out here is tryna go viral on TikTok?!
AltBill 20 months ago
I can't complete this one because of question 8, I don't own a phone and would never play on one.
mnkyboy57 21 months ago
They put me at 45 but I am 58. I guess I still feel young.
Geronimo 21 months ago
They got me at 63
Very funny but I'm a little younger than that
geleta 31 months ago
Hey I love it, 25………I’m 66 but yes definitely very young at heart!!!
Karen 31 months ago
Right on! I will be 54 this year!

RobertK 31 months ago
35! Oh Boy! They're only about 25 years off! I wonder which the questions I answered that made me so young? I'll ask the old guy in the mirror!!
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