Sorry, Millennials, only Boomers can pass this vinyl record vocabulary quiz

Do you know dead wax from etched? What about acetate and shellac?


Even with the convenience of digital downloads and music streaming, there’s no replacement for your favorite vinyl record. Younger generations have noticed and helped vinyl regain popularity. But there’s a difference between getting into LPs as a retro hobby and growing up with them.

We’d venture to guess only Boomers can get 10/10 on this quiz. Try to match the right definition to all these vinyl-related vocab words!

  1. Jacket
  2. Lead-in groove
  3. Smaller records were called 45s, which refers to…
  4. Spindle
  5. Etched vinyl
  6. Quadrophonic
  7. Shellac
  8. Dead wax
  9. Sound sheet
  10. Acetate

Sorry, Millennials, only Boomers can pass this vinyl record vocabulary quiz

Your Result...

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tbrian 9 months ago
You got 8 out of 10. Missed on Acetates and Sound Sheet.
cripplious 16 months ago
You got 5 out of 10 being Gen X I did well
FloridaTopCat 17 months ago
Missed the last two. Still have hundreds of records, my 33's and 45's, and my parents 78's - that's a whole different box of worms. Probably over 500, maybe 600, of all three speeds, and the 78's - well, they haven't had a needle touch them in 50 or 60 years! And about 10 years ago, I bought a turntable that plugs its output into a PC instead of an amp, so I could make MP3's out of some of these oldies!
Robert 32 months ago
8/10. Going strong but couldn't make it to the finish line! I blew the last 2 questions. Oh well, fun quiz and brought back some great memories!
megofonz 33 months ago
10/10. Just remember Gen X watches you guys too! Always left out for the Boomers and Millennials.
kirkindog 33 months ago
8/10. Unlike many of my generation, I'm 58, I'll take streaming over records any day!
vinman63 33 months ago
CD killed the vinyl record.
JHP vinman63 33 months ago
its coming back :)
stealth71 33 months ago
Meh. 7 out of 10. I had records but I grew up buying myself cassettes and making flawless mix tapes! Lol so some of the lingo on this quiz I guessed at and clearly guessed wrong!
BrianS 33 months ago
9/10, still have my record collection going back to the early 60s. Never heard "Sound Sheet".
I have the Blue "Blue Elvis" Album, but none with artwork.
Dajj 33 months ago
5/10 Some terms I never heard of.
RichLorn 33 months ago
Is that .... a RECORD?!
(ewwww. That pun even stunk before I typed it)
Nick0 33 months ago
I missed one. I've never heard the term "sound sheet" used before. I have only heard what you described there as a "flexi-disc". Looking it up right now, I see that "sound sheet" is a much lesser used, archaic term for them.
RichLorn Nick0 33 months ago
I remember playing some of those. I just couldn't resist. The sound quality was horrible and the record player arm got a real workout going up and down following the uneven surface.
327053 33 months ago
7/10 not bad for not being a boomer 😃
musicman37 33 months ago
Great Quiz. Now if they'd just get rid of that awful "Sventoonie" on Saturday nights, I might tune back in.
RichLorn musicman37 33 months ago
Buy some cheap rubber chickens on Amazon and throw them at the TV screen. That always gives me a feeling of satisfaction.
Rob musicman37 32 months ago
I don’t care for Sventoonie either. I don’t find it funny or entertaining, I just don’t get it.
JaneJeffer 33 months ago
9/10 but I'm not a boomer, just the child of baby boomers. I used to play my Dad's records all the time as a kid. I'm glad they are making a comeback.
RichLorn JaneJeffer 33 months ago
Do you mean dads or records?
JHP 33 months ago
the Split Enz disc


hope this works
Gossemer 33 months ago
10/10 used spend hours spinning records in my room. Hated it when I'd loose the yellow insert for the 45's lol
roratj Gossemer 33 months ago
Ha! I remember
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