Poll: What are your favorite classic childhood activities?
Are you doing a cannon ball in the pool or running through the sprinkler?

Picture this: Your childhood summer is just about to start, and the biggest decision of the day is whether to play freeze tag or go for a bike ride. There's no cell phones, laptops or internet to keep you from getting outside for some summer fun.
From passing the time during a long car ride to splashing around in the creek, and even being stuck inside on rainy days, tell us what your favorite classic childhood activity is.
What was your favorite outdoor game to play with friends?
When your friends weren’t around, what was your go-to activity by yourself?
What was your favorite activity at the park?
What was your water activity of choice as a kid?
If it was a pool day, either at home or at the park, what was your favorite game to play, or thing to do in the pool?
During a ride in the backseat, what was your favorite game to play in the car?
On a rainy summer day, what did you do to pass the time?
When it was game night, what was your go-to?

Poll: What are your favorite classic childhood activities?
Your Result...
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Movie Buff Card Game

Guess Who? - Distressed Logo

Cooties - Cootie

Trivial Pursuit - Wedgie

They missed several thing’s, not everyone had access to a pool. I loved to play Yahtzee, cards and many not on the list. Also we didn’t play games in the car.
They forgot the slip n slide, that was my favorite. And when it was raining I would play with my barbie dolls.
This has "bugged" me for a while, in Minnesota, it's "slug bug", not punch buggy.
I didn't have a favorite car ride activity. My sister got car sick and neither one of us could see out the front windshield.
How is reading not an option on any of these? Outdoors it was football!!
I’m my day the only tv we had outside of the tv my dad had in his room was a 12” I think that we would ask try to sit around and watch but with a small tv a bully older brother who hogged the tv we would look out the window of the front room and look at the sky and try to find faces, cars etc.:.we may have been board but we found things to do..we never dreamed they would be handheld phones with tiny screens to play games on..we watched Star Trek and Kirk would talk thru a device saying beam me up Scottie but a little secret Kirk never uttered those words…