What decade are these vintage pool ads from?
Dive into summer nostalgia with these Bakelite inflatable pools, backyard aboveground extravaganzas and classic TV stars relaxing poolside.

Pools aren’t just a place to relax and have fun. They’re a feeling. A summer vibe. That’s why even soda brands began using pools in their ads decades ago.
With the expansion of the suburbs in the 1950s, getting a pool was the ultimate completion of the American dream. If you had a pool growing up, your house was the coolest on the block.
Here are vintage ads from the Fifties through the Eighties that bring back memories of splash fights, swim lessons and groovy pool parties. Can you guess what decade each ad is from?
Park your car poolside... what could possibly go wrong?
These celebrities sold 7Up by the pool in the...
Coca-Cola also used pools in ads, like this one from the...
What decade is this ad from?
This inflatable pool was proudly made of Bakelite.
This decade had many things that looked like wood but weren't.
What decade is this suntan lotion ad from?
Barbie threw a groovy pool party in the...
What decade is this relaxing ad from?
This pool was great for the whole family.
When is this Doughboy pool ad from?
If you look closely you might be able to tell when this ad is from.

What decade are these vintage pool ads from?
Your Result...
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4. Saw this ad a lot back then.
10. Coleco always means NHL table hockey for me. Those plastic players always seem to break so easily.
also LUCKY Don Rickles!
Other fun words in the 70's were funky, nifty, out of sight. Mr. Rickles should have smiled standing next to Lynda Carter.
And it was probably every other phrase used on Laugh-In!