We're 100% certain we can guess if you're a Baby Boomer, Gen X or Millennial based on these 10 questions

Are you a part of the greatest generation out there?

It's the battle of the generations, with each one claiming superiority. 

In one corner, we have Baby Boomers, the post-war generation that has seen great prosperity. In another corner, we have Gen Xers, who came into the world during a time of great change. Last but not least, we have Millennials, who are just now experiencing what adulthood is all about.

We bet we can figure out which generation you belong to. Don't believe us? Take the quiz and find out. Who knows, maybe you're a millennial at heart. 
  1. Choose a movie franchise:
  2. Choose a sitcom:
  3. Choose a method of listening to music:
  4. Choose an album that defined your 20s:
  5. Choose a show for children:
  6. Choose a powerhouse singer:
  7. Choose a word to call your significant other:
  8. Choose a power couple:
  9. What did you eat for breakfast?
  10. Choose a bedtime:

We're 100% certain we can guess if you're a Baby Boomer, Gen X or Millennial based on these 10 questions

Your Result...

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AnnaRentzVandenhazel 35 months ago
Nope, born in 1963 which is supposedly 2 years before the cutoff for Baby Boomers. Many of my choices were the oldest choices, I wonder what answers would have made me a Baby Boomer???
Igaveyoumyfakename 61 months ago
If you're going ask what album defined my 20s, what is the point of asking all the other questions and pretending that you're "guessing" when I was born? That question alone pretty much tells you everything you need to know. By the way –– you still got it wrong.
stonecoldcollector 61 months ago
Told me I was a baby boomer.... I am not, sorry but a millennial here.
idkwut2use 61 months ago
Millennial...eeeyup. Born 7/18/87.
CallieWall 61 months ago
They got it wrong, even with the Beatles as the answer to an album in your 20s??? LOLOL This is just a game to build an email list. But since I love MeTV, I joined!
DerekBird 61 months ago
You're a Millennial.
We're young, we're smart… There are so many possibilities that lay ahead. Obviously that makes us the best generation! No, I am NOT. I am a Baby Boomer (just made it by 7 days - I was born on Christmas Day 1964).
ndebrabant 75 months ago
You're a Baby Boomer.
We've been through a lot. We've seen some things. Therefore, we're obviously a part of the greatest generation out there! Congrats.
They are right.
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