Were these 'My Three Sons' scenes originally in black and white, or did we change them?

Look carefully, we're actually trying to trick you on this one!


My Three Sons had a run of 12 seasons beginning in 1960. Unlike most sitcoms, the family friendly show had impressive runs on a pair of networks. 

The first five seasons of the series belonged to ABC and where in black and white, but CBS acquired the show starting in season six, introducing color episodes the rest of the way.

Take a look at the images below and try to guess which ones we changed to black and white from color, and which ones were in black and white to begin with! 

  1. Was this scene originally in black and white or color?
  2. Was this scene originally in black and white or color?
  3. Was this scene originally in black and white or color?
  4. Was this scene originally in black and white or color?
  5. Was this scene originally in black and white or color?
  6. Was this scene originally in black and white or color?
  7. Was this scene originally in black and white or color?
  8. Was this scene originally in black and white or color?
  9. Was this scene originally in black and white or color?

Were these 'My Three Sons' scenes originally in black and white, or did we change them?

Your Result...

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Bob 10 months ago
I missed number 4. I thought they added Ernie, Uncle Charlie, and color all at the same time—when they moved to CBS.
Dario 10 months ago
7 out of 9; got No. 4 and No. 7 wrong. 💖💕🥰
KawiVulc 28 months ago
8/9. The ages of the boys helped but I figured there wouldn't have been any weddings before the color seasons...
RichLorn 28 months ago
I'm an old fan. I started watching My Three Sons back when there were only two sons.
MrBill RichLorn 28 months ago
You must have started watching the show near the end of its run. There were always three sons until Don Grady (Robbie) left the series then the focus shifted to Robbie's three sons.
RichLorn MrBill 28 months ago
Bill, I was making an attempt at levity. I'm sorry i missed the mark with you.
BenSobeleone 28 months ago
Several years ago when MySpace was a big deal, I took a look at Don Grady's MySpace page. He was also a singer and musician. He had a few songs on the MySpace. One song there that I really enjoy listening to is "Protoplasm Blues"
BenSobeleone 28 months ago
I've heard a My Three Sons theme song that includes the lyrics: "and then there's Bub, he makes them food"
musiclady1 28 months ago
9 of 9
I record it every morning on DVR and watch it later. I have watched every episode of the entire series at least twice. 😄
John111911Smith 28 months ago
7/9... I was 5 years old in 1960. I guess I wasn't paying much attention or I was doing something I wasn't supposed to be doing.
vinman63 28 months ago
It jumped the shark with Jodi.
RazzMatazz71 vinman63 28 months ago
You mean Dodi??🤔
TheDavBow3 28 months ago
Too easy! Only watch the b/w episodes. Only will watch the first color episode where Mike and Sally get married. Mike and Bub are the best!
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