Were these scenes from The Beverly Hillbillies originally black and white or did we change them?

You've likely seen these scenes before, but did you see them in color or were they originally black and white?


For the first three seasons, The Beverly Hillbillies aired in black and white. The Clampetts went from the Ozarks to the Hills but viewers couldn't get a glimpse of the colorful palm trees and sunny, Southern California skies in the beginning of the series. 

That changed in season four when color was introduced for the rest of the show. Naturally, funny and memorable moments were common in black and white and in color. Now, it's up to you to decide if the images below were originally aired in black and white, or if they were aired in color and we changed them! 

Were these scenes from The Beverly Hillbillies originally in black and white, or did we change them to black and white from color?

Watch The Beverly Hillbillies on MeTV!

Weeknights at 9 PM, Saturdays at 6 & 6:30 AM, Sundays at 2 & 2:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Was this scene originally in black and white, or did we change it from color?
  2. Was this scene originally in black and white, or did we change it from color?
  3. Was this scene originally in black and white, or did we change it from color?
  4. Was this scene originally in black and white, or did we change it from color?
  5. Was this scene originally in black and white, or did we change it from color?
  6. Was this scene originally in black and white, or did we change it from color?
  7. Was this scene originally in black and white, or did we change it from color?
  8. Was this scene originally in black and white, or did we change it from color?
  9. Was this scene originally in black and white, or did we change it from color?
  10. Was this scene originally in black and white, or did we change it from color?

Were these scenes from The Beverly Hillbillies originally black and white or did we change them?

Your Result...

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JeffPaul76 24 months ago
"You got 7 out of 10. -------Did you pass this quiz with flying colors, or was your score a little black and white?" I got 1, 4, and 10 wrong.
CouchPotato987 25 months ago
That was a tough one…I only got half right…Guess I need some more tutoring in Beverly Hillbillies 101. Lol
Tammy163 25 months ago
I love The Me TV App, especially the Beverly Hillbillies and the Andy Griffith e!!!
Jon 25 months ago
8/10 - I haven't seen all these episodes, knew a few, guessed on others.
Andybandit 25 months ago
I got 7/10. I got #1, 4, and 7 wrong. Not bad considering I just watching TBHB.
CaptainDunsel 25 months ago
Two hints I took:
1) If the image contained a costume that made sense in color but not black and white.
2) If the image looked a little "fuzzed"
Then it was originally in color.
Wendy57 CaptainDunsel 25 months ago
Good deduction.
cperrynaples Wendy57 25 months ago
Yep, in the '60's, the colors were extreme!
Wendy57 cperrynaples 25 months ago
I’ll be looking for that from now on.
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