What show is Joyce Jameson in now?

The bubbly blonde turned up all over classic TV. Can you place her in the right show?

 The Everett Collection

Joyce Jameson was a more talented actress than she got credit for. She was known for her ability to play a ditzy, breathy blonde. Her Marilyn Monroe impression made her an in-demand actress across TV, movies, and the stage. But playing dumb requires more smarts than people realize.

Jameson was a clever, talented actress. Her best friend and boyfriend— Man from U.N.C.L.E. star Robert Vaughn—  said she could have been as big as Carol Burnett if people just realized how witty and funny she was. Tragically her career was cut short with her death in 1987, but we can still enjoy her performances all over classic TV.

Can you place Jameson in the correct show?

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  1. What show is Joyce Jameson in now?
     CBS Television Distribution
  2. What show is Joyce Jameson in now?
  3. What show is Joyce Jameson in now?
     Genesis International
  4. What show is Joyce Jameson in now?
     CBS Television Distribution
  5. What show is Joyce Jameson in now?
     CBS Television Distribution
  6. What show is Joyce Jameson in now?
     Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution
  7. What show is Joyce Jameson in now?
     Warner Brothers
  8. What show is Joyce Jameson in now?
     CBS Television Distribution

What show is Joyce Jameson in now?

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Wenatchee7 3 months ago
6/8 My favorite question was number 7. Looking at the picture you knew it had to be the Waltons.
Zip 3 months ago
Pretty sad. I had to see the first question to know who Joyce Jameson even was. Although when I saw that picture, I knew instantly.

Btw, what a weird number to end a quiz on. I was expecting two more questions, but... nope.
LabLove 3 months ago
2. I've only seen her in Mayberry
Zip LabLove 3 months ago
She was also in an episode of Gomer Pyle USMC where Gomer wins a trip to Las Vegas and takes Sgt. Carter along. She is an old flame of Sgt. Carter's and lives there so they meet up. It's a pretty funny episode.
I do wish MeTV would start playing Gomer again, and then making some Gomer quizzes.
sjbang88 3 months ago
8/8 Joyce Jameson was such a tragic figure, having committed suicide in 1967 (I think it was '67)
Jacki sjbang88 3 months ago
Oh my goodness, I didn't know that.
sjbang88 Bigwheel1 3 months ago
Yes, thank you
Mempatfan 3 months ago
6/8. Should have gotten them all. I had no idea I knew as much about her. She was also in an episode of Hogan's Heroes, and in the movie, "The Comedy Of Terrors", which was a spoof of horror films and the actors who played them. She starred with Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Boris Karloff and Basil Rathbone.
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