Which character would cook the best Thanksgiving feast?
Gobble gobble!
The best TV shows give us a warm, familiar feeling. And so do the best meals!
We invite television characters into our homes year-round, so why not put them to good use this holiday season? Which of these classic characters would cook the best Thanksgiving meal? Would it be someone we already associate with cheffing, or would it be someone unexpected? Take your pick, and let us know why in the comments section below!
Who would cook your Thanksgiving feast?
Which character would cook the best Thanksgiving feast?
Your Result...
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the Cop, Speed, Myrna, Gloria Unger and me all head down to the 168 year old McSorley's Ale
House, sawdust on the floor, changed hardly a whit since the day it opened, and sit ourselves
at the table next to the pot bellied stove.
Greats have drunk there, from the sports world and movies- Bogie - to the Literary world, the
McCourt Brothers, Hunter Thompson early Sundays to read the papers, Clancy Brothers, local returning vets who donated booty from the enemy such as a confederate bayonet, JFK donated his
tracks shoes as he drank many a night there after trekking down from college. Plus Abe Lincoln
after giving his legendary address at the Cooper Union, which is right down the block.
One of the great joints in North America.
I know it is not traditional but I would ask Aunt Bee to make her chocolate cake.
I better wear my stretchiest britches for that meal 😄