Which city is NOT on the 4077th signpost in M*A*S*H?
How well do you know this iconic piece of TV history?

The signpost from M*A*S*H is one of the most iconic pieces of any set seen on TV. It was a morale booster for everyone stationed at the 4077th, signifying characters’ hometowns or just fun places they missed.
The sign had a few different iterations during the sitcom’s long run. Some cities even showed up twice on the same sign.
How well do you know this iconic TV prop? Try to guess which city never appeared on the M*A*S*H sign!

The 4077th signpost points to all of these cities except one. Which city is NOT on the sign?

Which city is NOT on the 4077th signpost in M*A*S*H?
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Also which one is surpiprisingly absent? Toledo! But mentioned more than the others. Maybe Jamey Farr knows why? Would have made a neat subplot competing with Mill Valley.
Got it 1st try. Which city was added later? I recalling Charles adding Boston to the top of the post
Second try I will take that and smile
Funny how you don’t realize every last detail. After seeing every episode numerous times I always realize there is something I missed. I guess that’s why I keep watching it I never get tired of MASH
A total of 3 signposts were made for the show. Originally, one for the sound stage, one for the outdoor set, and a third to replace the outdoor set sign that was destroyed in a fire. That third sign is currently displayed in the Smithsonian. I got this from Google.😄😄😄
Took me 5 guesses. I watched that show faithful, but never really paid attention to the sign. I was too busy being intrigued.
Took me two tries. Oh by the way technically Coney Island is not a city. And not an island (since sometime in the 20/30s) but a peninsula.