Which of these shows did NOT originally premiere during September?

Most of these shows originally debuted in September. Can you pick the ones that didn't?


September is a pretty significant month when it comes to classic television premieres. Several classic TV shows, across multiple genres, years and networks originally debuted in the month of September. 

As we get closer and closer to the official start of fall and the month of October, we thought we'd once again put your various knowledge of classic TV trivia to the test! 

Below are several successful classic TV shows. It's up to you to decide which one did NOT originally premiere in the month of September. Think you can get all these trivia questions right? Take our quiz and tell us how you scored in the comments once you're finished! 

Good luck! 

  1. Which show did NOT originally premiere in September?
  2. Which show did NOT originally premiere in September?
  3. Which show did NOT originally premiere in September?
  4. Which show did NOT originally premiere in September?
  5. Which show did NOT originally premiere in September?
  6. Which show did NOT originally premiere in September?
  7. Which show did NOT originally premiere in September?
  8. Which show did NOT originally premiere in September?
  9. Which show did NOT originally premiere in September?
  10. Which show did NOT originally premiere in September?
  11. Which show did NOT originally premiere in September?
  12. Which show did NOT originally premiere in September?
  13. Which show did NOT originally premiere in September?
  14. Which show did NOT originally premiere in September?
  15. Which show did NOT originally premiere in September?

Which of these shows did NOT originally premiere during September?

Your Result...

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jtrain 30 months ago
14/15, got #10 wrong. Guessed right on some!
Moriyah 30 months ago
8/15! You know me, if there's ever a Gomer answer I always have to click on it to at least support the show, regardless of whether it's right or wrong!
Jeffrey 30 months ago
''You got 3 out of 15'' ------I got 1, 12, and 14 right. Bad for me. Looks like this quiz has you a little rattled! Study up on your classic TV trivia with MeTV!
Barry22 30 months ago
7/15 and guessed. The only one I was sure of was Batman.
Moverfan Barry22 30 months ago
I got seven right, too--and I wasn't sure of any of 'em!
Moody 30 months ago
6/15. Gah! Not even any good guesses.
AllisonWunderland Moody 30 months ago
Lol…I just quit half way thru 😆
AllisonWunderland Moody 30 months ago
I like your photo of the 🐶
Pacificsun 30 months ago
Tough Quiz, you had to know two things correctly, to know which one didn't. And if they didn't, then when did they? Meaning were they mid-season replacements? We should've at least been told that much.
ncadams27 30 months ago
An interesting quiz would be the month when the last original episode aired.
1) Maverick
2) 77 Sunset Strip
3) The Fugitive
4) Rawhide
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Jeffrey cperrynaples 30 months ago
A one-armed ARM? You mean man. One-armed man.
ncadams27 cperrynaples 30 months ago
That legend was having Lt. Gerard be the killer - he was having an affair with Kimble’s wife.
cperrynaples Jeffrey 30 months ago
Yes, again I wrote too fast! Actually, in the alternative version the killer was Thing from The Addams Family...LOL!
Moverfan cperrynaples 25 months ago
David Janssen went on The Joey Bishop Show (the talk show, not the sitcom) either the week the final episode rn or the week after (I don't know exactly, I was only about three back then) and answered a question by saying "I killed her, Joey--she talked too much.".
frenchman71 30 months ago
10/15. Some I knew for sure, the rest were all guesses.
ncadams27 30 months ago
Interesting quiz. Some were October premieres (Dick Van Dyke), some were mid-season replacements (Batman in January 1966).
Moverfan ncadams27 29 months ago
Didn't know that about Batman...of course, I was only three and a half in January 1966...
Peter_Falk_Fan 30 months ago
6/15 I thought the quiz was going to pitch its first shutout against me.
Andybandit 30 months ago
I got 4/15. I only #1, 7, 8, and 11 right. I had no clue when these shows premiered in September and later.
Maverick66 30 months ago
6/15. How the *$#@& should I know? I guessed on all of them.
Rob Maverick66 30 months ago
Same here but, I only got 4.
Moverfan Rob 30 months ago
I got seven--all guesses. And I turned two the year Batman premiered, so I doubt I was allowed to stay up and watch it.
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