Which TV couple are you and your significant other?

Which power couple represents your relationship?

When it comes to relationships, there are plenty of great role models on TV. Every day, the trials and tribulations of couples are on full display in primetime. When things go wrong, there are great lessons to learn. But when things go right, it's magical to watch. 

Which TV couple are you and your significant other? Do you have more of a classic love like Ricky and Lucy, or new flame like Joanie and Chachi?
  1. What is your ideal date for Valentine's Day?
  2. Which option best depicts how many kids you have (or want)?
  3. What is your ideal Valentine's Day gift?
  4. What is the most romantic city in the world?
  5. About how long have you and your significant other been together?
  6. Choose a love song:
  7. For how many months should a couple be engaged?
  8. Where's the best place to get married?
  9. What's the best way to show someone you love them?
  10. Choose a heart:

Which TV couple are you and your significant other?

Your Result...

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WILD 37 months ago
Question #10 did not have any hearts in it, there were only valentines.
You got Ricky and Lucy Ricardo
You and your significant other have a classic kind of love. You're deeply in love with your best friend, and you two have great chemistry together. Even though you have a few disagreements, nothing is too severe that you can't get through it with a smile on your face.
Runeshaper 66 months ago
You got Chachi Arcola and Joanie Cunningham
Ahhh young love, is there anything better? You and your significant other haven't been together for very long, but you really click. And if you have been together for a while, you're still as smitten with each other as when you first met. Keep it up!
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