Which Vincent Price movie is the scariest?
He certainly has a lot!

Allied Artists
Is Vincent Price the undisputed King of Horror?
While that title might be debatable, Price's impact on the genre is not.
We want to know what you think is his scariest film! Let us know, and tell us why in the comments section below!

Which of these is the scariest movie starring Vincent Price?

Which Vincent Price movie is the scariest?
Your Result...
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The most scary or liked in this order.
The Pit and the Pendulum
The Masque of the Red Death
The Fly
House On Haunted Hill (most fun one besides The Raven)
Oh heck I like them all.
Those that Love Vincent Price here is a wonderful What's My Line Episode.
The Pit and the Pendulum
The Masque of the Red Death
The Fly
House On Haunted Hill (most fun one besides The Raven)
Oh heck I like them all.
Those that Love Vincent Price here is a wonderful What's My Line Episode.
House of Wax but so hard to choose. They're ALL scary. Really surprised some have rated 0. And Witchfinder General only 1%? Shocking!
Diary of a Madman. A frightening sample of possession, post The Exorcist. I saw it for the first time at 8 years old and it scared the hell out of me.
It's late night Friday Metv where's the Daily Star Trek Quiz?
Technically, daily means every day and they only do them on weekdays, so I guess that gives them an out. However, I couldn't help noticing that they did manage to get the TAGS quiz in there.
I’m sorry because I’m the one going here but enough Horror themed quizzes, please! But I love Vincent Price. I loved his contribution to the Alice Cooper “Welcome to My Nightmare” album from 1975.
100% House of Wax. Also House on Haunted Hill was good. And The Fly always freaked me out especially the part where the fly with the man's head was trapped in the spider web and the spider was about to eat him and he was saying "help me, help me". Ooh to this day that scene still freaks me out.
I got 0% because I choose Theatre of Blood? How can that be? And by the way MeTv Halloween is OVER.