Would you buy these household items shown in vintage '50s ads?
A lot of things improved during the '50s. Would you buy these household items?

Have you ever seen a vintage ad and thought, "I would purchase that"? Some of the ads for household items, especially during the '50s, did a great job with advertising.
The prices were also unbeatable, with some items selling for less than $20. If you had the opportunity to purchase items from the '50s for your house, would you buy them?
Here's the catch, you can only base your decision on the vintage ad.
Let's go down a nostalgic '50s loophole.
Would you purchase this 3-in-1 refrigerator, stove and sink combination?
Would you purchase this sewing machine?
Would you purchase this portable table and chair set?
Would you purchase this oven with the stove at the bottom?
Would you purchase this reading lamp?
Would you purchase this huge freezer?
Would you purchase this floor polisher?
Would you purchase this cooling fan?
Would you purchase this electric cleaner?
Would you purchase this portable radio?

Would you buy these household items shown in vintage '50s ads?
Your Result...
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The Goonies Playing Cards

Svengoolie® T-Shirt

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

Women's Svengoolie® T-Shirt

I Love Lucy - Lucy Lines

Batman - Since 66

Gwengoolie™ Gaze T-Shirt

Caddyshack - Freeze Gopher

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

My parents got a freezer just like that from Montgomery Ward circa 1976. Last I knew, it still works!
The oven took me back to my grandma’s house. She had a stove exactly like that! You had to push a button on the side of the stovetop to pull the top completely out. The only difference was that her stove had only one oven, not two.
So would I in today's world??? No...bur back then,well yeah...so these answers or the percentage I feel are not correct
Braaappp! Got no clue bout this one...BRRRAAPP! I just check boxes. I gots 60s%sshh! so issat mean im a 60sszzzish wonkabee?
I got 50%. These items were from the days when appliances and such were built to last. Mostly they were replaced due to obsolescence. We still have and use a Toastmaster toaster, model 1BB4, from 1934! It works great and I did replace the cord to a grounded one for safety.
They still make the Vornado fans, or someone has claimed the name and is making them. I have several, including one that blows hot air, kind of like a space heater.
I got 70% similar to the mot popular responses. They should have used a picture of a shiny black Singer sewing machine that would fit in more with the majority of the products that were popular in the late '50s and early '60s based on the pictures of those products. I still have my mom's black Singer sewing machine as well as my grandmother's Singer treadle sewing machine and both still work like the charms they are. This quiz sure does bring back many memories.
I had one of those ovens with the pull out stove in an apartment I rented in the 80s. It does look cool, but boy, did it use a lot of electricity! I think everyone I knew had the portable "card table" and chairs. Not only for playing cards, but used at the end of the table on holidays for the small kids to sit. Those old ads sure bring back a lot of memories.
I grew up in the 70's when things seem to last longer. I remember some of these at my Grandma's house.
We pretty much owned every one of those. Especially the freezer. And the floor polisher? I STILL have my mother's and it still works amazingly!
I also have my mother's floor polisher and it still works very well, although I know my father replaced the electric cord! The smell of floor wax that still comes off the brushes when I use it takes me back to that golden time. I also have her Sunbeam stand mixer and Singer sewing machine, which she got in the late 1950s. She bought a pack of sewing patterns for Barbie clothes in 1962 and made every outfit for my Barbie dolls....and I still have those Barbies and those clothes. This sure does take me back! (And in case you are wondering, I'm not a hoarder...I just like to keep everything that keeps my memories of my parents and those times alive!)