Alan Alda, Ron Howard, William Shatner and others pay tribute to Carl Reiner

"As I write this my heart is hurting. He was my guiding light."

AP Photo / Harold Filan

Mel Brooks had a routine. Every evening he would hop in his car and drive to his friend Carl Reiner's house. Friends for 70 years, the longtime duo would proceed to share a meal and watch television. Jeopardy! was a particular favorite.

With the passing of Reiner at the age of 98, it is heartbreaking to think that Brooks will no longer partake in this particular ritual.

Brooks is hardly the only close friend Reiner gathered along the way in his illustrious comedy career. One only has to turn to social media to see the outpouring from celebrities. Reiner was clearly as beloved as his creations.

Here are friends and colleagues sharing their feelings upon the passing of the Dick Van Dyke Show creator. Comedians from every generation are feeling the loss.

MeTV will celebrate Carl Reiner with his eight favorite episodes of The Dick Van Dyke Show, beginning Sunday, July 5 at 11PM | 10C.

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MikefromJersey 53 months ago
An American genius. Carl's turn as the "American Dad on Vacation" in The Russians Are Coming
was the most spot on depiction of a universal type that I have ever seen.
He sent me his autograph a few years ago. Not to be in bad taste, but if anyone is interested
in getting Dick Van Dyke's autograph, you should write now as he is not likely to be with us
in 10 years when he is over 100. I am so glad I didn't wait to write Carl Reiner for his.
MarkSpeck 56 months ago
Definitely a man who will be missed...he made me laugh a million times over, whether as an actor, writer or director. RIP, Mr. Reiner... :(
daniel 57 months ago
Carl Reiner was the creative genius behind my favorite TV comedy of all-time, The Dick Van Dyke Show. He will be missed.
LucyImHome1951 57 months ago
My hero and a icon. He will be remember longer than the 2000 year old man.
edna45678922 57 months ago
Carl Reiner was a great and Comedian and did you know that did the movies like "It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world and Russians are Coming, Russians are Coming? He joining George Clooney and the late Bernie Mac and the rest of the Cast Of the Ocean's Eleven Trilogy. Carl Reiner, thank you for the laughs and you will be greatly missed, not forgotten. RIP Carl Reiner!!
stephaniestavropoulos 57 months ago
Did anyone catch {one of if not THE }last interview Carl Reiner did w/Rob? I hope it gets reran. They were on The Big Interview w/Dan Rather on AXSTV. I believed it aired last month. I was sort of surprised Dan Rather didn't make mention of it in his Tweet. R.I.P. Carl Reiner. Thanks for the laughter and the tears, {caused by the laughter that you gave to us.} Condolences to the Reiner family.
Jeremy 57 months ago
When I read the title of this article and it lead me to Wikipedia, my heart literally sank! It's coming back up slowly in case you're wondering.
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