Of course Elvis Presley had a crush on Mary Tyler Moore
Looks like Rob Petrie has some competition...

An easier question to ask instead of "Who had a crush on Mary Tyler Moore?" is "Who didn't have a crush on Mary Tyler Moore?" Smart, beautiful, and worst of all, funny. If you were a fan of the Dick Van Dyke Show or The Mary Tyler Moore Show, chances are that, like the rest of us, you were harboring a massive crush on Mary Tyler Moore.
Dick Van Dyke actually talked about their mutual infatuation with each other over the course of filming their hit series.
It seemed that no one was safe from the charms of Mary Tyler Moore, not even Elvis Presley himself.

According to Mary Tyler Moore's memoir, After All, Moore got to know Presley when they starred together in the film Change of Habit. While the film received less than a warm reception, Moore enjoyed spending time with Presley and said that he was an absolute delight to work with.
Moore wrote, "He was in peak form during that time, careful about what he ate and exercising as if he enjoyed it. He was a thorough professional: always prepared, and willing to spend extra time with the little girl in the piece, a seven-year-old, to make her feel comfortable."
At the time, Elvis was of course, already an international rock star, and that's putting it lightly. However, Moore was a superstar in her own right, having had previous success on The Dick Van Dyke Show, which did not go unnoticed by The King.
When the two had a minute to chat together, Elvis used that time for a little confession.
Moore wrote, "He confessed right from the start that he'd had a crush on me since The Dick Van Dyke Show. He was so shy about it he was literally kicking at the dirt below him as he talked. He had a tendency, even though I was younger, to call me 'ma'am' out of respect: 'Yes ma'am. Be right there, ma'am.'"
Of course, the two never shared a real romantic moment together, but how great would it be to hear an Elvis love song dedicated to Mary Tyler Moore?