Andy Griffith got his start earning $35 and performing at banks

The actor returned to North Carolina for a hero's welcome in 1958.

The Everett Collection

In the summer of 1958, Andy Griffith returned home to a hero's welcome. It was the 4th of July weekend, and the rising star crossed the country for the Southern premiere of his new movie, No Time for Sergeants. The funny film was making its regional debut in North Carolina, Griffith's home state.

To honor the occasion, Governor Luther Hodges and Raleigh Mayor W.G. Enloe shook hands with the young actor, who was dressed in a white suit, like any true Southern gentleman on a hot day. An Army band marched down the street. A color guard twirled their flags. Young women waved from a parade float. A local boy was starring in a hit military comedy and people wanted to celebrate.

A reporter from nearby Rocky Mount was there to cover the extravagant affair for The Rocky Mount Telegram. He sat down and interviewed Griffith, who had ties to Rocky Mount, which lies about 200 miles east of his hometown, Mt. Airy.

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"I hope the people in Kay Kyser's hometown like 'No Time for Sergeants' — especially the folks at Planters Bank," Griffith said. Kay Kyser was a bandleader who became a big name in radio in the 1930 and 1940s. Planters Bank, on the other hand, held a special place in Griffith's heart.

"[The] local bank gave him a job in 1952 by having him entertain at their Christmas party," the Telegram wrote. Imagine the bragging rights those bank employees must have had years later when The Andy Griffith Show was all the rage.

"Clifton Beckwith gave Griffith one of his first jobs as an entertainer after he stopped teaching in the Goldsboro High School," the paper explained. "For this job Griffith received $35; about six months later he was earning $3,600 a week in Las Vegas." Yep, Griffith taught English and Drama at Goldsboro High for a couple of years.

Griffith explained the secret to his unlikely rise. "Even in this interview, Andy Griffith spoke English in the slow Southern drawl which characterize him," the reporter noted.

"First, you gotta have something that people'll buy," Andy said. "And then ya gotta work to sell yourself as a product."

There are other interesting tidbits in their early profile and interview of the relative newcomer. Andy sits and confers with his manager, Richard O. Linke (who the paper mistakenly called "Dick Linker"). The two discuss an upcoming movie tentatively titled Thunder Creek

"It ain't ah Western, just that title makes it sound like hit [sic]," Andy said. "We're gona [sic] have to change that title; sounds too much like 'Thunder Road'." Yes, the reporter really leaned into transcribing Griffith's accent.

Now, what's interesting is that this "fourth movie" that Andy and his manager discuss was never called Thunder Creek. He would not make another movie for three years, until the Debbie Reynolds picture The Second Time Around — which was a Western. We wonder what flick Andy might have been talking about. Whatever the case, he was soon tied up in television.

The article ends by telling readers some Griffith family news. "He and [his wife] Barbara have recently adopted a baby boy." That would have been Andy Samuel "Sam" Griffith Jr.

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Wiseguy 47 months ago
"Dick Linker" sounds like a porn star's name.

"Christmas part"? Perhaps "Christmas party"?
cperrynaples Wiseguy 47 months ago
Actually, she spelled her last name with a C and not a N...LOL!!
JHP 47 months ago
"we got to shake up things here Chief"
"this is a cracker box bank"
"this is s hick-town with a hick-jail and I'm a hick deputy"

"Glenn Ford!"

so so funny

don't really know about raisins stuffed in a tomato - an hour later I know where I would be sitting
Andybandit 47 months ago
Cool story, I like Andy Griffith in TAGS and Matlock.
15inchBlackandWhite 47 months ago
Huh. I never knew Andy Griffith taught high-school English. His co-star George "Goober" Lindsey taught high-school science in Hazel Green, Alabama.
I think I've also read that Dan "Hoss" Blocker had taught school briefly before getting into acting.
cperrynaples 47 months ago
That story sounds like it could have been in A Face In The Crowd, particullarly the scene where Andy's Lonesome Rhodes chooses Lee Remeck's baton twirler to win the beauty contest!
drnogerms cperrynaples 47 months ago
BTW, I read a reference that said "A Face In The Crowd" was somewhat of a telltale story of Andy's rise to stardom.
OlgaBagley drnogerms 47 months ago
I didn’t. Like that movie A Face in the Crowd that was totally opposite of Andy Taylor
Wiseguy cperrynaples 47 months ago
Except "A Face in the Crowd" is listed as a 1957 movie, "Thunder Road" as a 1958 movie. They wouldn't have had to retitle "Thunder Creek" if "Thunder Road" wasn't released until the following year.
drnogerms OlgaBagley 44 months ago
I didn't mean it to reference Andy Taylor.

It was supposedly a telltale story of Andy Griffith's rise to stardom.
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