Andy Griffith would often visit the set of Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.

Griffith would visit his old friend, Jim Nabors, during filming of the series.

CBS Television Distribution

It can be hard to remember, but television used to be a family affair. Before the rise of teen shows and series too violent for younger eyes, parents and children were able to crowd around the television together and enjoy a night of entertaining television.

Today, television is typically enjoyed in separate rooms of the house, and with streaming services abound, there's no need to tune in at a specific time to enjoy an episode of television. While there's something appealing in the accessibility and personalization of it all, we'd be lying if we said we didn't long for the experience of enjoying a television show as a family.

One such show was Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. Like its predecessor, The Andy Griffith Show, Gomer and his pals were entertaining enough for a younger audience while still keeping the older crowd of fans invested.

Watch Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. on MeTV!

Weeknights at 9:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets

One of the show's actors, Elizabeth MacRae— best known for playing Lou-Ann Poovie— spoke to the rare opportunity Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. was offered.

"They were wonderful shows that the whole family could watch," said MacRae during an interview with Bristol Herald Courier of Gomer. "I think a lot of that came from the working atmosphere that we had on the set. It was family. Our sound stages at Desilu Productions were back to back with Andy Griffith so you know, Andy would come over and we would go over there and it was a marvelous time."

Of course, MacRae's appreciation of the series also spoke to the talent of the actors on set. "Jim Nabors was masterful as Gomer," said MacRae. "Gomer stood for what's right with the world. That's what people loved about his character. I dearly loved and was honored to be a part of that show."

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Jacki 1 month ago
What a nice article. It's refreshing to hear how both sets of cast members got along so well. And I always thought Lou-Ann and Gomer made such a nice couple, as well as Vince and Bunny. Bunny was a perfect match for Vince. ☺️
Coldnorth Jacki 1 month ago
There should of been a double wedding
Jacki Coldnorth 1 month ago
That would have been nice.
Wiseguy70005 Coldnorth 1 month ago
Should "have" not "of."
Coldnorth Wiseguy70005 1 month ago
As I have explained as nicely as I can, my fingers are disabled and I hit wrong words sometimes. Do you get a kick out of putting down disabled people? Then you are to be pitied. Do you constantly correct those to you as in Mother, Father, etc. if I ever feel the need for you to correct me, you will be the first to know. Please leave handicapped people alone. Maybe you will suffer from a handicap (not wishing it on you) you will understand until then have fun picking on us. P.S. I have a college degree
MrsPhilHarris 1 month ago
I have always thought that Gomer should have been married to Lou-Ann Poovie on Return to Mayberry.
FrankensteinLover 1 month ago
Its awesome to hear behind the scenes Stories of our favorite shows and those were two of the best shows with amazing cast members.
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