Barbara Billingsley would accidentally call her own sons ''Beaver''
TV and reality blurred for the famous Mom.

We've all done it.
You're a kid in school raising your hand, waiting for the teacher to turn around, and you accidentally call her "Mom." Oh, the humiliation! Or, worse, you call your current partner by your ex's name. God help you if you fall into the latter camp.
Freud might have a field day with our mistakes, but that's all they are. Accidental slips of the tongue can cause a fair share of trouble, but at the end of the day, they're just mistakes.
Just ask Barbara Billingsley, who played mother June Cleaver on the iconic series Leave It to Beaver. After spending her working hours mothering the fictional Beaver and Wally, Billingsley would have to go home and be a mom to her real children. In 1962, she spoke with The Gettysburg Times about the problems the double life would occasionally cause.
"I get confused at times at home and call one of my boys 'Beaver," said Billingsley. Who could blame her? The long hours on set being the perfect TV mom would surely bleed into anyone's home life.
"Half the time I can't tell the difference between what goes on in the show and what's happening at home. It's priceless."
Her onscreen husband, Hugh Beaumont, had a similar experience and echoed Billingsley's sentiment.
"It's just like I was bringing up my own three youngsters," said Beaumont. "Beaver and Wally have the same problems they have or had. Sometimes I don't even think I need a script. It all sounds so familiar."


Just saw HB on Mannix the other night, and he was so unlike WC. He must've been a very good actor.
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