25 bright and sunny behind-the-scenes photos from The Brady Bunch

There were smiles all around the set.

The Everett Collection

Sha na na na na na na na na, Sha na na na na! "When it's time to change, you've got to rearrange," the Brady kids sang in "Time to Change." Well, thankfully, some things do not have to change. The Brady Bunch will forever be a happy family playing on the green astroturf of their backyard. Whenever you want to go back to your happy place, the Bradys are there.

The sunny vibes to the TV show carried over behind the scenes. The actors always have a smile in these fascinating pictures. Let's take a peek at the set of the beloved sitcom.

Wagon Training

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The Everett Collection

Susan Olsen, Eve Plumb and Maureen McCormick receive direction while sitting in the back of the station wagon for a season one scene.

Knocking on the Door to Stardom

AP Photo

Here's a look at the kids before filming began. As the Associated Press wrote: "Six youngsters who only recently met line up outside a Los Angeles, Ca. courtroom June 18, 1969, to await approval of contracts calling for them to play brothers and sisters on a new television series. The series, called The Brady Bunch, is about a widower with three boys who marries a widow with three girls and will premiere on ABC-TV in September. Left to right: Susan Olsen, 8; Michael Lookinland, 8 1/2; Eve Plumb, 11; Christopher Knight, 11; Maureen McCormick, 12; Barry Williams, 14."

Jackson High Five

The Everett Collection

The Brady 6 meets the Jackson 5, including Michael Jackson (far right), on the ABC studio lot.

Boys and the Hood

The Everett Collection

Robert Reed and Barry Williams film a driving scene in Mike's blue convertible.

In Harmony

The Everett Collection

The kids practice their singing in the studio.

Doing the Wave

The Everett Collection

The six say "Hi!" on the ABC lot.

Trophy Kid

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Mike Lookinland hoists a massive trophy for "The Winner."

Pool Party

The Everett Collection

The whole gang poses for a season three promotional shot.

Brace Yourself

The Everett Collection

Maureen McCormick and guest star Mike Robertson ("Craig") show their metal in season one.

A Ray of Sunshine

The Everett Collection

The late, great Florence Henderson was as brights as a daisy.

Pretty in Pink

The Everett Collection

Henderson shows off an early hairstyle from season one.

Eve in the Garden

The Everett Collection

Plumb relaxes in the grass.

Lie in Den

The Everett Collection

The kids chill out amongst the wood paneling.

The Goat

The Everett Collection

Williams gets to know his animal costar in "Getting Greg's Goat."

The G.O.A.T.

The Everett Collection

It's B-B-B-Bobby and the Jet… hall of famer! Joe Namath goofs with Lookinland duing "Mail Order Hero."

The Suite Life

The Everett Collection

Henderson and Reed kill time before shooting a scene for the Hawaii episodes.

Visitors Welcome

The Everett Collection

Astronaut James A. McDivitt and alien portrayers Frank and Sadie Delfino pose with the cast while filming "Out of the World."

Getting Comforter

The Everett Collection

The cast rehearses in the girl's room.

'Stache House

The Everett Collection

Knight shows off his facial hair to Kathie Gibboney and Cindi Crosby during "Peter and the Wolf."

O Say, Canyon See

The Everett Collection

The cast rides through the canyon for "Grand Canyon or Bust."

Moving Up to the Majors

AP Photo / George Brich

Farrah Fawcett joins her then-husband Lee Majors in a rare television appearance together in the Brady Bunch variety show, January 20, 1977.

You Know Them By Their Namath 

The Everett Collection

The girls pose with NFL legend and guest star Joe Namath.

Baskets Ball

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Having fun for an Easter photo.

Now We Know Our ABC

The Everett Collection

The kids film a 1971 Saturday morning special called "The Brady Bunch Visits ABC."

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Wildstar20 26 months ago
My favorite, funniest episode when Marcia rigged her "ghost" needing air from the trunk in the attic that scared poor Bobby and Peter to death and lead to them running out of the attic like a fire drill! I laughed so hard I was almost crying!!
KevinHartford 30 months ago
The photo of "The Bunch" gathered around the bumper pool table looks like it should be in the Sears Wish Book!!
TVFF 75 months ago
I'm still a sucker for wood paneling.
TeriMills TVFF 75 months ago
Me, too. I wish I could find wood paneling for my house. It's so hard to find.
Lucyneenah19701 76 months ago
I love the episode "Getting Greg's Goat!" It's hilarious!
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