Desi Arnaz once said that he and Lucille Ball were better friends after they had divorced than they were while married
"She is a wonderful lady and we had a great show," said Arnaz.

In his later years, Desi Arnaz had no shortage of thankful words for his success in television. Arnaz was a performer and a businessman, and with Lucille Ball, created projects adored by generations.
Now, the saying "Lightning never strikes the same place twice" is actually a myth. However, the meaning behind the phrase still holds value. Those who attempt to recreate perfection will inevitably fall flat. In certain situations, the best course of action is to simply appreciate something for what it is. That's exactly what Arnaz did during an interview with The Evening News.
"What Lucy and I did happens once in a lifetime, if then," he said. "I decided there was no use trying to top it because it couldn't be done. Poor David Selznick tried all his life to top Gone with the Wind. He never could."

However, perhaps I Love Lucy was so special because it captured the very real love between Ball and Arnaz, who played the on-screen couple Lucy and Ricky Ricardo. When the series ended, the couple divorced.
But if perfection can't be recreated, sometimes it can take on a new shape. In the same interview, Arnaz revealed that after divorcing, he and Ball became closer than they ever were during their marriage.
"As for Lucy, we are better friends now than when we were married," he said. "That sounds like so much Hollywood talk. But it's true. She is a wonderful lady and we had a great show. Now it is time to think of new things."