Do you remember the 1993 animated Ray Bradbury TV movie, The Halloween Tree?

Leonard Nimoy lent his voice acting talents to this Emmy-winning '90s cult classic.

There are Halloween TV specials meant to send shivers down your spine. Then, there are Halloween specials meant to educate the audience. And between those, there is The Halloween Tree.

The TV movie is based on Bradbury's 1972 fantasy novel of the same name. It was originally written as a script to be animated by Looney Tunes legend Chuck Jones, but when the animation studio closed shortly after, Bradbury adapted it into a book.

The story came full circle when, in the '90s, Hanna-Barbera decided to produce the TV movie as originally intended, with the script written by Bradbury. Not only did Bradbury win an Emmy for Outstanding Writing in an Animated Program, but he also voiced the film's narrator.

The story follows four friends on Halloween who have another friend, Pip, unexpectedly rushed to the hospital. As they head to go visit them, they spy his spirit running into an ominous mansion. The resident of that mansion, Carapace Clavicle Moundshroud (voiced by Spock himself, Leonard Nimoy) agrees to take the children with him in pursuit of their friend, in hopes of bringing him back before dawn.

As the team jumps through time, they learn about the origins and influences of Halloween as well as the history behind their own costumes, a witch, a skeleton, a monster, and a mummy. 

The film ends on an unexpectedly serious note — the friends fail to retrieve Pip before the deadline, and his spirit now belongs to Moundshroud. Moundshroud, however, is willing to barter, and the four friends each offer him a year off the end of their own lives in exchange for Pip back. Moundshroud accepts, and Pip comes home from the hospital.

The TV film was originally critically received well, hence the Emmy it earned Bradbury, but it has taken on a whole other life in the decades that followed. These days it's regarded as a cult classic and has a significant following of fans who appreciate the creepier tone, the voice acting, and the history of Halloween.

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frances3agape 3 months ago
Had never heard of it, now MUST see it!
Thanks for the info
boomerdragon61 3 months ago
I was hoping to see a piece on this movie. One of my favorite holiday shows ever. I've seen it maybe half a dozen times and read the story every year for Halloween. Bradbury's writing lends itself to reading aloud so well. He came to Albuquerque for a book signing and talk in 1997 (give or take a year) and I got The Halloween Tree and Dandelion Wine signed. He talked about his writing method and how single words sometimes inspired whole stories. I told him if he had translated the Bible there would be no atheists and he laughed, hugged my shoulders, and said that was the best compliment he ever got. I'll never forget that particular book signing.
Your experience is so COOL!
Originally, I only knew Bradbury from his sci-fi/spooky stories. When I learned of his wide range of writings, I was awe-struck - novels, short stories, children’s literature, poetry, essays, and plays.
Trekkie1969 3 months ago
I watched this on YouTube a few years back. I remember thinking, "I know that voice!" And thinking it was the voice of someone I just loved. When the credits rolled, and it was Leonard Nimoy, I could not believe I couldn't recognize his voice. 😄
It wasn't easy to recognize. I didn't until the very end, when the bargain was made and it finally clicked.
Tresix 3 months ago
I never heard of this special. It sounds quite interesting. I hop it’s available somewhere.
boomerdragon61 Tresix 3 months ago
It's listed on Amazon both retail and Prime, Target, Walmart, and Barnes and Noble. I need a new copy myself.
Runeshaper 3 months ago
It's cool that Nimoy lent his voice here. I think the message about the bonds of friendship is great, but giving up a year of life is very serious and quite sad.
OVkid 16 months ago
I never saw it. I was too busy in law school in 1993 and didn't even have a TV.
slshort18 16 months ago
This sounds amazing! I would love to watch this special!
Runeshaper 16 months ago
That's a very serious story of exceptionally good friends.
Bricat2001 16 months ago
this would be an interesting special to play on svengoolie(or sventoonie)
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