Don Knotts was at the head table of his high school reunion— But not because he was famous!

The 60-year gathering was held in 2002.

The Everett Collection

Did you attend your high school reunion? It's not just an opportunity to compare everyone's successes and failures! Why, there's a chance to finally connect with that person you passed in the hallway every day for four years. Just because you didn't speak then, doesn't mean you can't chat them up now! Especially because there's probably an open bar.

So, why not head to the old alma mater (or wherever it's held)— at the very least, you'll probably leave with a nice nametag. Or, if you're anything like Don Knotts, you have the chance to remind people of your one-time esteemed position in the world.

And no, we're not referring to "Deputy of Mayberry."

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When Knotts attended his 60-year high school reunion, he sat at the head table. But, believe it or not, it wasn't because of his showbiz successes. While Knotts probably had a line around the whole table to shake his hand, his seat of prestige was afforded him for an unexpected reason. 

An Associated Press reporter was on the scene to record the proceedings for posterity, thank goodness.

"Hey, this doesn't have anything to do with me," said Knotts.

Instead, his peers had awarded him the seat of honor because Knotts was the senior class president in high school!

"Everyone here has managed to stay friends for all these years. That's pretty amazing," he said.

Naturally, Knotts got a hold of a microphone to regale his old classmates with a few jokes and stories. We bet your reunion wasn't nearly as entertaining.

"That's just Don," said classmate Mary Pompili. "He makes it fun, but we've always had fun. This is just a special class."

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Scott76112 22 days ago
High school reunions...No, thanks. I'd rather relive my wisdom teeth being extracted.

I probably couldn't even name five people I went to high school with. (Graduating class of about 700, I think.)

Thank God for life after high school!
Avie 27 days ago
"Naturally, Knotts got a hold of a microphone to regale his old classmates..."

Ahold, one word.
Bapa1 28 days ago
I went to my tenth and twentieth, and that was enough. My fiftieth is coming up and it is at a Margaritaville resort near me. So, hmmmmmmmm..........
JHP 29 days ago
and after the reunion knotts locked up everybody in the klink and told them to "suck in that gut"

and because his body is a "weapon"
Tabraea JHP 27 days ago
Then, they started chattering and laughing and he told them to. “NIP IT!!”
JHP Tabraea 27 days ago
no doubt about that - and yes he yelled it:):)
Bookman1963 30 days ago
I went to all my reunions until the most recent (40th). The reason I didn't go? Everyone in my class still seems to be stuck in 1981. I've lived a dozen lifetimes since graduation, but most of my classmates are the same, only several years older (while I miraculously never seem to age).

I may go to the 50th since it's a milestone, but it's definitely not a certainty.
MrsPhilHarris 1 month ago
I went to my 10th tear reunion and that was enough. By the time 20 years came around I figured I wouldn’t remember most of them so I never went.
justjeff MrsPhilHarris 1 month ago
Based on your typo, I look forward to my '96 Tears' Reunion with ? and the Mysterians! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Coldnorth justjeff 28 days ago
Hi JustJeff, you are very clever
justjeff Coldnorth 27 days ago
Thank you as always, Coldnorth for your kind words...😁
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