Here's how the Meadows sisters made television a family affair
The two sisters had a love for performing.

Audrey Meadows wasn't necessarily born into what we now know as a "show business family. " However, her family's appreciation for the arts ultimately allowed her to advance in her career. Avid television fans will remember Audrey's sister, Jayne Meadows, as a popular television actress and a regular panelist on the hit series I've Got a Secret.
Of course, Audrey Meadows had her own, seemingly meteoric rise to prominence. However, during an interview with the News and Record, Meadows was quick to remind readers that, with a background on Broadway, she was no stranger to the entertainment industry when she began starring in The Honeymooners.
"People may be inclined to think of me as a rather quick, almost outrageous, success," said Meadows. "But this is really the cumulative result of all the work and experience over the years."

After years of performing, Meadows not only had the talent needed to star in her own series, but she also had the confidence to back it up. "I know just the girl for the part," said Meadows when she was asked whether she knew of any actors who could play the part of Alice Kramden. "Me."
Now with two daughters in television, the medium only united the Meadows family further.
"We're a very close family," said Meadows. "We always have been. Television is wonderful for mother and daddy. They can see Jayne every Wednesday night and me on Saturday night."