Jeannine Riley found herself typecast after she left Petticoat Junction

"It's tough to get out of that rut."

Everett Collection

Being typecast as an actor is both a blessing and a curse, depending on how you look at things. Take Jeannine Riley, for example. Riley became famous as Billie Jo Bradley of Petticoat Junction. After leaving the series, Riley also found success on Hee Haw. Both of these shows centered around country life, which Riley excelled at. But when she spoke to The Indianapolis Star, Riley noted that appearing in these shows limited her future as an actress.

"I'm not knocking those shows," Riley said. "After all, they paid the rent. But it's tough to get out of that rut."

On top of dealing with judgment from producers, Riley also struggled with judgment of herself as well.

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"I've learned to like myself better now," she said in an interview with the Herald-Leader. "I used to live for other people. I used to do something to make other people happy, thinking that that would make me happy too. It doesn't work that way...I used to have to always be in front of people, but now I enjoy my company. I didn't always use to, you know."

While Riley realized that she couldn't necessarily control what others thought of her, she was able to update her own outlook and gain some control in her life.

"I'm a lot more in control if something goes wrong," she said. "If something goes wrong, it's not going to get to me. If it goes wrong, it goes wrong."

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obectionoverruled 7 months ago
is she the same jeannie c. riley who sang the heartbreaking song about the boy who jumped off the bridge? i always thought that corny song was one of the more memorable ones of my youth. sort of mystical, not really clear what did or didn’t happen to cause him to take the plunge, lost love?, did someone get pregnant?, parental intrusion?, mental illness?
For a corny song Ode to Billie Joe sure was a HUGE 60s hit, and Max 'Jethro' Baer made the movie based on that song. Starring Robby Benson.
THOMASTERRYJR 7 months ago
I remember seeing Jeannie Riley on The Wild Wild West playing against type as a villainess. I thought Ms. Riley was going to say she hated the shows she was famous for. There are so many actors who are like that. They become famous for a role on a TV program and/or movie and then they come out stating they hated the role and the show/movie is ridiculous. I think to myself if they hated the role and/or the program why didn't they leave or better yet stop cashing the checks. Great examples: Tina Louise of Gilligan's Island, Richard Boone of Have Gun, Will Travel, Robert Conrad of The Wild, Wild West.
BrittReid 7 months ago
Tampammm BrittReid 7 months ago
I agree! All six of the Bradley girls were "hotties", to varying degrees.
Badge714 Tampammm 7 months ago
Lori Saunders was the absolute hottest as... Betty Jo?
BrittReid Badge714 7 months ago
Lori Saunders was Bobby Jo.
cperrynaples 7 months ago
Her only other series was Dusty's Trail AKA Gilligan's Western! Ironically, she was teamed up with Lori Saunders,who came on Petticoat Junction AFTER she left! You can easily figure out who was "Ginger" and who was "Mary Ann"...LOL!
cperrynaples cperrynaples 7 months ago
PS She did NOT sing "Harper Valley PTA"! That woman added a initial to avoid confusion! Bonus Question: What sitcom star was in the future movie & series? Hint: Believe it or not, she just turned 93!
Barbra Eden from I Dream of Jeannie.

Yep, and would you believe she was a debutante on I Love Lucy?
Moverfan cperrynaples 7 months ago
And a manicurist on The Andy Griffith Show
cperrynaples Moverfan 7 months ago
Also, she did a series based on How To Marry A Millionaire! And yes, she did a Watch Me On MeTV commercial!
timothys71 cperrynaples 7 months ago
You are correct. I just verified via Wikipedia that actor Jeannine Brooke Riley and singer Jeannie C. Riley (real name Jeanne Carolyn Stephenson) are two different people who happen to have similar names.
McGillahooala 7 months ago
Petticoat Junction is a great show. I never watched it until recently.
Badge714 McGillahooala 7 months ago
Uncle Joe is a little annoying but yes, good show. The girls and the dog are great.
cperrynaples Badge714 7 months ago
I actually like Uncle Joe! In fact, I think of him as a role model...LOL!
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