Jim Nabors didn't mind being thought of as Gomer Pyle

Nabors loved his Andy Griffith character.

CBS Television Distribution

Playing an instantly recognizable character has its perks. You can walk into a room and people instantly know who you are. People hang on to your every word when you speak. Most importantly, even after you're gone, the character you play lives on forever, leaving you an ageless and eternal piece of television history.

However, that doesn't mean everything is all sunshine and roses for all actors. Depending on the role, you could be saddled with the image of that character for the rest of your life. Careers have ended before they've started because they fall into the career trap of typecasting.

Moreover, in a bittersweet turn of events, the more believable an actor is, the more likely fans are to assume that it isn't simply a role and that the actor and character are the same.

To be recognized for the rest of your life as Gomer Pyle to some may be a dream come true, and for others, a nightmare. Luckily, Jim Nabors, who made the role famous in The Andy Griffith Show, decided that he felt lucky to be known as Gomer, as he told The Toronto Star.

"I don't mind the image," Nabor said. "I like it. It's a nice image to have. Gomer's a very nice person. He doesn't mean any harm to anyone and he sees only good in people. All he really wants is to see people happy."

It seemed that it was easy for Nabors to adjust to the role of Gomer because, minus Gomer's more absent-minded nature, he and Nabors both shared the same good-natured kindness. "Gomer's such a part of me," said Nabors.

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LoveMETV22 4 months ago
LoveMETV22 LoveMETV22 4 months ago
Hopefully someday Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C
returns to MeTV's schedule. A good series.
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