Leonard Nimoy was "obsessed" with work that had a social impact

An early role changed his trajectory forever.

CBS Television Distribution

It's not easy being Spock. There's the whole issue of typecasting. Leonard Nimoy was an incredible actor, with gifts to make any thespian jealous. That's how he was able to make Spock such a remarkable character. If entrusted to some other actor, Mr. Spock may have been a cardboard caricature of an alien. Instead, Nimoy elevated the role to an intelligent, dignified cultural icon. 

It turns out that Leonard Nimoy had an agenda in accepting the role, outside of just entertaining the masses. While he'd had dozens of film and television roles before Star Trek, none of those parts satisfied Nimoy's core ambitions. He made a name for himself as a performer, but there was one itch that wasn't scratched until he boarded the Enterprise.

Following Nimoy's death, The Associated Press ran a profile that included a 2009 quote that revealed his true nature and desires. Earlier in his career, Nimoy was drawn to a role because of its societal implications, and the experience fueled the remainder of his career.

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At 17, Nimoy played a young Jewish man in a production of the Clifford Odets play Awake and Sing.

"The role, the young man surrounded by a hostile and repressive environment, so touched a responsive chord that I decided to make a career of acting," said Nimoy.

This show, and specifically the character he played, ignited in Nimoy a lifelong quest to pursue acting work with a social impact.

"I've fulfilled that dream, including Star Trek, for that matter," he said.

"If that's part of the legacy, then I'm very pleased with that. I would hope the work I chose to do had some reason for being done other than just simply being a job."

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wolfman69 5 months ago
There is a really great documentary on Leonard Nimoy - "For The Love Of Spock". I found it on a streaming service. Worth checking out.
sagafrat69 5 months ago
One of the great series in the late '70s that very few people talked about then was "In Search Of.." with Nimoy doing the narration of the stories. He had one of the all-time greatest voices for story telling. Absolutely loved that show. I had no idea he did one season of "Mission Impossible" until I started watching the show during the pandemic. A very talented actor and activist who did some really great work.
KJExpress sagafrat69 5 months ago
I can remember watching "In Search Of." Really enjoyed it. Might be interesting to see again. I vaguely remember the theme music. Guess I'll have to go "in search of" episodes!
wolfman69 sagafrat69 5 months ago
That was a great show. They have some episodes of it on YouTube.
sagafrat69 KJExpress 5 months ago
The show is kind of a cult classic, much like what "Kolchak" is today. If you're under forty you've probably never seen it. It's definitely a show worth seeing if you like stories about ghosts, reincarnation and other weird strange unexplainable phenomena. That's another show ahead of it's time.
sagafrat69 wolfman69 5 months ago
I will have to take a look at YouTube. That's the kind of show that should be on after "Kolchack:The Night Stalker" on Saturday nights. C'mon MeTV! As Sam Buttrey of "Jeopardy" fame says... Bring It!
KJExpress wolfman69 5 months ago
I'll have to check that out. Thanks for the info.
JHP sagafrat69 5 months ago
yeah they are busy watching feces from AMC
deltadart sagafrat69 4 months ago
FYI Two seasons 1969-1971
justjeff 5 months ago
His early stage acting took place in Boston, and as I've told this tale before... my dear friend Ellie did summer stock with Nimoy. At one point he wanted her to go with him to California to try their luck out their. Being 16 at the time, Ellie parents nixed that idea...
JHP justjeff 5 months ago
a fork in the road
Runeshaper 5 months ago
Nimoy was a cool guy. Thanks for sharing this insight with us, MeTV (-:
JHP Runeshaper 5 months ago
I still am enamored with his role as the evil heart surgeon on Columbo
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