Nancy Stafford called Michelle Thomas ''her favorite role''
"I respect her a lot."

While viewers may know Nancy Stafford from programs like Matlock, life as an actor wasn't originally in the cards for her. According to an interview with The Associated Press, Stafford had a few family members involved in politics.
"My mother was in politics," said Stafford. "She was one of the first women elected officials in Florida. She was on the city council. My brother ran for her seat when she retired."
However, Stafford herself was interested in performing, an occupation that she certainly showed some talent in, as she found herself with no shortage of auditions when she moved to California.
"ABC and Warner Bros. took some interest in me and flew me out to Hollywood," said Stafford. "I tested for everything. For a while, I was the pilot queen."
Interestingly enough, Stafford previously appeared on Matlock before she began playing Michelle Thomas. The actor guest starred as a villain.
"I perjured myself on the witness stand trying to frame John Beck," said Stafford. "I had a heart of stone. I didn't budge an inch when Matlock questioned me. She was so different from Michelle."
But while playing the bad guy can be fun once in a while, Stafford ultimately adored playing Michelle Thomas, calling the character "my favorite role."
"She's a woman who's very bright, very caring, and has a real strong streak of righteous indignation," said Stafford. "There is a tremendous feeling of justice in her motivations. Men have crossed her path in the show and, invariably, she's discovered they're doing something underhanded. She's hand to sidestep her personal feelings and nail the guy. It's a role with some inner conflict. She does what's right. I respect her a lot."