Now you can own a piece of Brady Bunch history with Eve Plumb's own memorabilia up for sale

You could own Jan Brady's script for the famous "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia" moment!

Hello, Collector's Call? We've got some hot items for you.

Julien's Auctions has announced a new sale event titled "Brady Bunch and More: Eve Plumb's Jan Brady & Career Archives" that would make any Brady fan say, "it's a sunshine day!"

The lot contains scripts, behind-the-scenes goodies, and personal items from Jan Brady herself. One notable entry is Eve Plumb's autograph book, which contains autographs from series creator Sherwood Schwartz, Florence Henderson (who sweetly signed it "love, mommy"), Robert Reed, Ann B. Davis, and her onscreen siblings.

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You can get the script for the Brady Bunch pilot, "The Honeymoon", which interestingly has the original series title The Brady Brood printed on the cover with "brood" scratched out and "bunch" rewritten in its place. Also included are Plumb's own annotated scripts for some of the series' most iconic episodes, including "Will the Real Jan Brady Please Stand Up?" where Jan dons a curly black wig, "The Subject Was Noses", where Marcia gets nailed in the face with a football, and "Her Sister's Shadow" which includes Jan's famous "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!" line.

Other items include episode call sheets, photos of cast parties and scripts for Plumb's work on Westerns like Gunsmoke, The Big Valley, and The Virginian.

In the wake of Barbiemania, maybe you'd be interested in Plumb's vintage Barbie watch from the Sixties? 

However, our favorite item included is a newspaper clipping that Plumb apparently kept with her all these years: an article from the Los Angeles Times declaring The Brady Bunch "the worst" of new shows coming out. We imagine Plumb getting a good laugh out of it from the top of the ratings.

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IndianaRockz 18 months ago
Just looked again at the auction site (10-1-2023) & there are not a lot of bids, many items have only 2, 3, or 4 bids, the highest bids are 13. I believe the auction ends tomorrow.
Snickers IndianaRockz 18 months ago
Kind of tells you something about how much the show was popular.
IndianaRockz Snickers 18 months ago
I mean, I have enough of my own old papers & pics (junk) so I'm not bidding to buy someone elses junk they're cleaning out of their junk drawers, no matter who or how famous they supposedly are! 😃😃😃
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RayRob1965 18 months ago
That is a really perverted thing to say. really sick !
LalaLucy 18 months ago
I would not mind having that newspaper clipping, though my laughter would be less that the show was a success than that some critics can be fairly astute. That said, I liked her better than the rest. She always had talent and smarts beyond the sticky sweetness.
George58 18 months ago
There is one question I always wanted to know. And I'm sure others as well. And that is, if Mike Brady was an architect why did he only have ONE bathroom for 6 kids & 3 adults???
Jon George58 18 months ago
Mike & Carol had their own bathroom off of their bedroom, and it's believed that Alice also had a bathroom off of her downstairs bedroom, so they had 2 if not 3 bathrooms in their house. My family of 7 got by w/ 2 1/2 bathrooms.
WGH Jon 18 months ago
My family of seven had one bathroom. Not exaggerating. And we had a bathtub but no shower.
George58 Jon 18 months ago
Jon, the key word in your comment is "believed". They never showed Alice's bathroom or Mike & Carol's bathroom. I don't recall either of them even referring to another one. I was just going by what was shown to the viewers. But my guess is you are probably right.
IndianaRockz George58 18 months ago
And the kids shared bathroom didn't have a toilet which proves tv characters do not "go".
LalaLucy George58 18 months ago
I think one episode has reference to Mike and Carol's bathroom if memory serves. It's an early one where they switch places. Carol does stuff with the boys and Mike with the girls. I seem to recall Carol exhausted when she gets back and heading for the bath, though we never see more than her heading in a general direction.
Wiseguy70005 George58 18 months ago
The house already existed before he married Carol and her kids.
Rick 18 months ago
There are scripts from other shows she appeared in up for auction too (like Mannix and Here's Lucy).

She must have been a very organized young lady, or her parents saw the monetary promise of all those scripts even back then.
WGH Rick 18 months ago
Likely it was her parents. People collected things like that back then. I'm surprised she hadn't sold them previously.
IndianaRockz Rick 18 months ago
I looked at the auction site, there's only an average of 2-3 bids on each of the items so maybe there isn't much interest or folks are waiting closer to the end date. Maybe if the money was going to charity there would be more interest.
PernellDH 18 months ago
She also appeared in commercials like for Man from Glad on Glad Sandwich Bags back in 1968 and later for Burger Chef.
Lantern 18 months ago
She must really be in need of money to be selling some of these things (that autograph book for example).
LoveMETV22 Lantern 18 months ago
Actually, she is an artist her work is carried in several galleries, and an entrepreneur with her own ™ line of products. She also dabbles in real estate. Her estimated net worth is $7 million. She's probably doing better than some of the other cast members.
CoreyC 18 months ago
Jan was the most realistic Brady.
Bapa1 18 months ago
If she is selling Cindy's missing doll, she has a lot of explaining to do.
BradBeall 18 months ago
Jan has always been my "favorite Brady". It could be that I will offer a bid or two on these items...
cperrynaples 18 months ago
Well I have to ask: Is Eve going to sell that black wig?
LoveMETV22 18 months ago
Extra, Extra....Hot off the press a YouTube video from Julien's Auctions. Starring Eve Plumb.

MrsPhilHarris LoveMETV22 18 months ago
That was fun.
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Bobtruths 18 months ago
I'm guessing most of us have formed an opinion of you rather than what you think of others 😁
WGH 18 months ago
I try not to judge people.

I agree with you that I wouldn't purchase this kind of thing, but do have a couple pieces of sports memorabilia that mean something to me. Like a signed jersey from a baseball player, Casey Sadler, who advocates for Cystic Fibrosis. (My son has cf). And a signed football from Boomer Esiason, whose son Gunnar, also has cystic fibrosis.
18 months ago
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LoveMETV22 18 months ago
Oh Jan! Does Marcia know about you offering up such treasured pieces of Brady Bunch history?

She's hoping you have an answer:

cperrynaples LoveMETV22 18 months ago
Yeah, how about that football...LOL!
Bobtruths cperrynaples 18 months ago
You want it?
I have it, can let it go for say.......$5k

WGH LoveMETV22 18 months ago
It might make me a bad person but I could watch Marie McCormick getting hit in that face with a football all day long. Lol.
LoveMETV22 WGH 18 months ago
LOL ! It doesn't make you a bad person, just a funny scene. Actually the gif of it shows how the ball just braises her shoulder, not actually to her face. I read an article somewhere how the ball was lobbed just off camera and with a few takes they got the effect.... Still in clips or the episode it looks somewhat realistic.
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