Raymond Burr and Barbara Hale were still close friends before Burr's death in 1993

Hale called Burr "a protector."

Everett Collection

You don't spend years together on the screen without managing to forge a friendship in real life. At least, that was the case for Raymond Burr and Barbara Hale. The two starred in the series Perry Mason together, but according to Hale, they actually met in 1943 on the RKO film lot.

After Burr's passing, Hale confessed that the two were still close, even toward the end of Burr's life. "He was truly an amazing man," she said during an interview with The Sun. "A gentleman, with the strength of an ox and the humor of a leprechaun. A great lover of mankind and the arts - of seeing that other people were taken care of, were not harmed in any way."

Burr, who acted as Hale's friend and confidant, was much more than just a costar. "He was - there truly are no words to express it," she said. "No words. He was like a great, great sequoia tree, or redwood. And everyone leaned upon him: He shaded and protected everybody."

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Hale was also quick to defend Burr, who was a notoriously private person, from those who sought to deride him.

"Is it not true that there will be those who live - and those who seek, not to destroy, but to find a flaw?" she asked. "There are just a lot of negative people in the world...who would find fault. Why find fault when - what's the phrase? 'Let any among you who is without sin cast the first stone.' Or as a child would say, 'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words would never harm me.' They're only words. The negative aspects of the people who want to find fault are words."

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Runeshaper 4 months ago
Burr was a great man. I'm glad Hale had such nice things to say about him.
Bookman1963 4 months ago
I used to work with a guy who worked for Burr toward the end of his life. He said that he always believed that Barbara Hale was Burr's unrequited love.
Adamtwelvia Bookman1963 20 days ago
Guess he didn't know Burr was actually gay.
MC1707 4 months ago
It was “kind of implied” sometimes on the show, there was something between “Perry and Della.” I ALWAYS thought that “Della and Paul” would have been a good couple together….
Jacki MC1707 4 months ago
I also think that Della and Paul would have been a good couple.
cinamac MC1707 4 months ago
I will paraphrase a comment I once read regarding Paul and Della’s relationship: Paul goes no further than referring to Della as beautiful because he knows that she’s Perry’s girl!!!
MC1707 cinamac 4 months ago
Could have been, just saying , She and Paul looked better together. Paul had a roving eye though I think, and liked his bachelor life style.
DethBiz cinamac 3 months ago
Always get a hearty chuckle in that one episode when Della turns the tables and calls Paul, beautiful.
Badge714 4 months ago
Burr actually had a male companion his whole life. No one ever addresses that but it is fact.
Adamtwelvia Badge714 20 days ago
Wonder if Barbara Hale knew that?
MC1707 Badge714 19 days ago
Yes, but most of us were reffing to the “characters” in the show. Not real life.
Sunnygirl 4 months ago
Thanks, for the comment and your inputs on the show, and the advice. I will treasure it.
deltadart 4 months ago
Perry Mason 1957-1966 and Ironside 1967-1975 were good shows!
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